Adaptive Environments is a 27-year-old educational non-profit organization committed to advancing the role of design in expanding opportunity and enhancing experience for people of all ages and abilities.
The Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) is a network of community-based resource centers, developers, vendors and associates dedicated to providing information and support services to children and adults with disabilities, and increasing their use of standard, assistive, and information technologies. ATA Members can be found all across the country.
This database from Georgia Tech allows users to search for apps by disability or multiple disabilities as well as by price ranges and device types. Every app has been used and/ or tested by one or more members of the Tools for Life team along with peers from across the country including members of other Assistive Technology (AT) Act Programs, physical, occupational and speech language therapists; AT professionals; people with disabilities and other leaders in the disability community. You will also find reviews and comments from apps users.
ATEC stands for Assistive Technology Exchange Center—a resource for any item of equipment or technology used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities for individuals at home, school, or work.
Axistive Assistive Technology News Portal offers free news, articles, product reviews and all product and vendor information of assistive technology devices.
Audible Kids provides digital audio content for children. Shop, purchase, and download digital audio editions of books, newspapers, and magazines; original programming; and TV and radio subscriptions. Spanish titles are also available.
The Center provides resources on assistive and instructional technology tools and strategies for families, educators, administrators, researchers, service providers, training and resource centers, and other relevant programs.