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My daughter is in third grade now and still struggles to read at an early first grade level. Her cognitive skills are fine. If I read the work to her from school, she can answer the questions. Reading for her is a new struggle every day. It seems like she will recognize a word one minute and the next, have no idea what it is.

She struggles with school at all reading-based subjects. She is getting learning assistance, but her progress is extremely slow. Her self esteem is starting to suffer and she is beginning to refer to herself as stupid. I am so worried about her state of mind as she sits in class with children who can do the work and she simply can’t read the words.

She is very gifted in drawing and is very perceptive in understanding emotions, she is simply unable to read. I have told the school I believe her to be dyslexic, but there is little information available as to practical solutions to help her learn and be diagnosed. Where can I get affordable help for her? What techniques can I use to help her? How can I get a diagnosis?


Your daughter certainly sounds as if she has a learning disability. Only formal testing will clarify if this is correct and, if so, what to do. Unfortunately, many school systems will not test a child until they are significantly behind. This often means that they must have completed third grade and still be at first or second grade level with skills. I see this as a wait to fail model. Push harder for the school to do the testing. Maybe you could get a parent advocate to help you with this effort.

If you cannot find someone, contact the Learning Disabilities Association of America. Click on your state. Contact this state chapter of this organization to get possible names.)

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