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Our fourth grade daughter is dyslexic. She was diagnosed in second grade. She attends a private, independent school where she has attended since Kindergarten. She is happy and loves her school, which has a reputation for academic excellence. We pay for additional tutoring every day by an aid. She is progressing, but she is definitely not in many academic areas on the same level as her class mates.

She will attend there next year in the fifth grade. We have been told that as a consequence of her poor writing skills (due to her dyslexia) that this school will not want her in the sixth grade, even though they go through to the eighth grade. Our question is, do children do better mainstreamed in the arena where they are happy and have their social structure and their friends, or in another school. We would like our daughter to remain at this school. Thanks for your consideration.


From your comments, I am concerned that this private, independent school is not equipped to provide the necessary special education tutoring and accommodations. Special education tutoring requires a very skilled person who has been trained to work with students who have learning disabilities. It is not done by an aide who probably just goes over again what was done in class.

I would go back to the person who tested her in second grade. Ask for an update, showing where she is now. Use these results to identify the type of special education services she needs. It may be that this school cannot provide what is needed. Please do not wait until the end of eighth. She will be so much further behind if something is not done now.

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