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Accommodations and Compliance Series: Employees with Learning Disabilities

Learn how to accommodate yourself on the job. This article has simple and time-tested strategies for being productive even if you have trouble reading, spelling, writing, or calculating numbers. Read about accommodations for difficulty speaking, organizing yourself, remembering, and managing time. Introductory information on learning disabilities is provided to help managers handle accommodation issues.
Woman standing apart from a crowd of coworkers

Adults Suffer From Learning Difficulties, Too

Adults with undiagnosed learning disabilities face a double challenge: maintaining their adult responsibilities and adjusting them to their learning needs. Learn more about their struggles.

Assessment for Adults with LD and/or ADHD

Information on assessment for adults who may have LD or ADHD, which may underlie the difficulties they face in school, employment, and everyday social relationships.

Assistive Technology at Work

Read about the uses of assistive technology (AT) for people with learning disabilities in the workplace. The obligations of the employer and learning-disabled employee are summarized. Job Accommodation Network (JAN) can play a role in facilitating the process. Suggestions are given for commercially available and specialized devices that have an AT function. Links to additional information on AT are also provided.

Clues to Dyslexia in Young Adults and Adults

Learn about how the specific signs of dyslexia, both weaknesses and strengths, in any one individual will vary according to the age and educational level of that person.

A group of college students sitting on the steps outside

College Students and Disability Law

This article briefly reviews Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and identifies the criteria that are used to determine whether a student is both “disabled” and “qualified.” Then, specific areas of admission, accommodation, and dismissal are examined. Finally, guidelines are presented that may be used by professors and administrators in their efforts to provide qualified students with disabilities with nondiscriminatory access to higher education.

Graphic of a brain with the word dyslexia on it

Coming Clean

Today, I told my boss that I am dyslexic. It was the first time in my entire life that I’ve come clean right up front. No waiting until I get in trouble and then bringing up my dyslexia. This time I’ve decided to just tell it like it is right from the beginning.

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