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ADD & $$

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have 3 children, 2 boys - 1 ADHD & 1 ADD, and a daughter whom I’m not sure doesn’t have ADD (or could be she’s just a ditz…).

I was diagnosed w/ ADD a few years ago. I am not a stupid person, but I can NOT figure out my $$ - budgeting, saving, etc. I just can’t do it. I know i’m disorganized… very very much so.

Any ideas on how I can get control over this???

Like alot of the posts I see, I have difficulty w/ motivation - getting off my butt and doing something - cleaning, exercise, anything. I go to the doctor next week to talk to her about my tiredness - again, any ideas?

Thanks for your help!

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 08/22/2003 - 1:55 AM


Three young children, ADHD or not, can make anybody feel tired. Young children are a LOT of work and if they are ADD/ADHD, you’re entitled to feel exhausted. It’s hard to get motivated when you feel exhausted.

I’m ADD myself and I’ve often thought about medication but never actually done it. Maybe my life would be better if I did but as my children got older and more able to do for themselves, I got less tired even if not better organized.

Is there anyone to help you out a little bit? Watch the kids once in a while for you to get a break? I had my own two ADHD sons watching a lot of television - I just didn’t know how else to keep them occupied - they were so active and I was so tired. I’d get movies from the library and they’d watch and I’d fall asleep on the sofa. They ate a lot of cereal and if I made French toast, that was a feast.

I never let them watch things that were inappropriate for children and they grew up to be good students and caring kids so a lot of TV when they were young didn’t do them any harm.

I do have to say that the more exercise we get, the less tired we feel. It’s just hard to take that first step but a little exercise can go a long way to curing tiredness and the blues.

Good luck.

Submitted by bamamom on Fri, 09/26/2003 - 3:54 AM


I know how you feel. I have two children. One of them is EXTREMELY hyper active and has Learning disabilities. I am on medication, I do much better with everything else, budgeting is still a struggle for me. I am embarressed to say but, My checking account stays overdrawn. It is totally from bad budgeting! My husband stays on me constantly. I too would like suggestions. :roll:

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/16/2004 - 10:46 AM


I was recently diagnosed with ADD. frankly it was a shocker. I always thought there was something wrong. a silent and hidden feeling but could not figure it out.

Thought may be it’s becuase of family upbringing and etc. any way I still go back and forth between mourning it & forgiving myself.
buy to answer your question about ADD & money and other related issue

I [u]highly suggest [/u]that you join
once you join them they will email you about following up with day to day chores at home, finances et.
you will love it.

good luck
farah :wink:

Submitted by shezadare on Sun, 05/09/2004 - 3:03 AM


:) Went to join Flylady. I sure hope it is not too late for me! My life is a wreck! I am in so much of a mess I have lots of work ahead. Sue

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