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ADD/HD symptoms from food allergy!

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Some places evaluate ADDers for vitimin deficiencies and run a number of allergy tests. Remarkably some people’s ADD symptoms emerge with a great deal of a certain food. Then allergy shots tend to keep them from reacting and ultimately improve behavior. Has anybody had any luck treating their ADD with this approach. PLease let me know. I’m having a great deal of trouble with meds.

Submitted by Deryni on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 6:57 PM


It is my understanding that the food allergy theory had never been demonstrated as having a basis in fact in any study done. With the exception of anectdotal evidence (ie. it worked for the friend of my ex-wife’s second cousin… or some equally unimpeachable source), it has very minimal scientific support - except by those who make their fortune fleecing individuals by doing the tests or selling the cure-all diet, etc.

Submitted by victoria on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 5:15 AM


I misbelieve the tests. Allergy skin tests are notoriously inaccurate, and the under-the-tongue test is pure hogwash. (self-fulfilling prophecy in most cases).
However as a very allergic person from a a very allergic family, I can tell you that controlling allergies makes life much better in many ways including learning.
See a reputable allergist and get the skin tests — but don’t take them as written in stone. A good allergist will know that they are not 100 percent accurate. Discuss *reasonable* diet and lifestyle changes. Reasonable means eating a good balanced diet (the usual food groups or pyramid) with a little of every type of food, avoiding only a few specifics that bother you; and avoiding certain allergens in natural ways, eg cleaning up dust, or not having any cigarettes in the house ever.
Allergy shots are also very questionable. Better to avoid the allergen in the first place.
A good diet, avoidance of allergens, clean living and so forth cannot harm you and may help — always worth doing. If learning improves, great, and if not you still feel better.

Submitted by totallygenius on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:31 PM


I know I’m late to respond but thanks all for your comments! I’ve been on a long road with my LD and think I will look into Neurofeedback now. :)

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