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ADHD catering graduate (Ph.D) adimissions & stuff

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


I have recently finished my Master’s degree (as a medicated ADHD 46 year old student) and have questions/concerns regarding further study at the doctoral level. Specifically, has anyone applied for and been granted a NIMH Predoctoral fellowship for the learning disabled?? Also, has anyone successfully been granted any acommidation(s) for their ADHD for taking the GRE? Lastly, I have a hypothesis that the primary sense modality of people with ADHD is auditory( as opposed to visual or kinesthetic). Just curious.
If I was blessed enough to be accepted in a doctoral program (in Communication), my dissertation would be title something like “Communication, Culture, and Conduct”: How different global cultures handle people with ADHD.


Goran Mitrovich
grad assistant
Bethel College
St. Paul. Mn

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/11/2002 - 12:44 AM


Goran! Yes, tell us. I too would like to know how you did it. I am an undergrad with a long way to go.

Doctoral: Go for it! That sounds like a great thesis too.

Re: your hypothesis: “primary sense modality of people with ADHD is auditory”
-I am ADD w/o hyperactivity and if memory serves me correctly ;) mine is kinesthetic 39%, visual 32%, auditory 29% or thereabouts.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/12/2002 - 1:10 AM


Goran I also have adhd. And i didnt realize that there are ways of measuring the modality of any specific sensory stimulus that is being impaired by the disfunction that adhd creates. I have only had this clarity for 3 months now because of the newer time release medications that are out. I am now in my mid thirty’s and had previously been on ritalin but because of their short duration of action i had to keep very accurate eye on the time not to miss when to take the next doses. And it was the in and out of adhd when missing the appropriate time that was actually worse than living with adhd.
I was always able to get enough of an understanding about subjects in school to get by. But now with this medication i can read and understand like i never expected. I have just finished up with a 3 credit accounting class. I really only had to read each chapter as it was given each week and after reading the chapter, which i could do in a couple of hours i only had to put it in a logical pattern in which was comfortable for me to retain it. I now have this strong urge to want to get an college education. Do all of us with adhd have this ability to learn like i am experiencing. Goran i would really like some feedback from you if you could.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/27/2002 - 7:35 PM


I have been reading about the correlation between auditory processing disorder and ADHD and the paralells are amazing. So much so that I would say what we call ADHD is really a processing disorder; you say potato i say potato type of thing. I was tested for ADHD and confirmed as having it. But the neuropsychologist also recommended that i be tested for auditory problems. I have ADHD and or a Central Auditory Processing Disorder. I would suggest you read and research more about that. Best wishes.

P.S. I want to apply for grad school but afraid not smart enough.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/13/2003 - 9:51 PM


I have been diagnosed with both LD and ADHD (initentive type)— i was able to get extra time on my subject GREs— it required very up-to-date testing and planing ahead. If i remeber correctly, the last (or near the last) page of the GRE booklet has an instruction form for it.
Also- good news, you can get in and go to grad school. I am in my second year of PhD neurobiology program at Univ. of Chicago. I have been told that when applying for fellowships and grant (at least for NIH) mentioning you have a disability can actually help. I have found that lab work type stuff is easier, it is very hands on- but started taking Adderall to get through the coursework.
so, go for it, of course your smart enough. all it takes is intellectual couriosity.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/20/2003 - 3:52 PM


I think one of my most recent posts will really help just about everyone who has posted on this subject.
Check out Dr. Drea’s post under “grad level testing” posted on 1/18/03 at 10:27 pm.

and if you want to, you can read my orig post under “do I have ADHD?” on 12/13/02 at 4:10 p.m. (it’s on the third screen of posts).

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