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ADHD strengths

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I do not understand why ADD folks continue to put up year after year with discrimination or harrasment. We complain alot about it, but we need to actively oppose people who do it. Ghandi said to use peaceful means to bring about it. Disobedience and peaceful defiance of our tormentors can be done.

Another thing: Why do you let Jews and the super wealthy corporate crooks tell you what to do in America ? You are being led to disaster in the world eventually. Trying to make everyone adopt your way of thinking weather they want to or not, only breeds anger and hostility. Please allow people to celebrate their own culture. Germany is a great country and we should emulte them and copy them.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/24/2002 - 1:31 AM


What does this entry have to do with AD/HD strengths?? You talk about Jews and “super wealthy crooks” isn’t that over generalizing?? Also it is in my opinion discrimination . God loves everyone just the way we are . When we are saved he ( Jesus ) comes to live in our hearts in the form of the HOLY SPIRIT and 9 times out of 10 we are broken , wounded and “unclean” when we do so . But if you call out to him he will hear you . All you have to do is ask and will change you from the inside out . I know because I did that very thing almost a year ago and I’m better because of it . He is guiding and directing my path because I go to him in prayer everyday and submit my will to him . It’s so wonderful knowing that God is in control and in the midst of things even when they’re not so good . He gives a free will and expects us to fall but he is there to provide a soft place for us when we do . But what he ultimately wants is for us to OBEY . I know that I have a place in HEAVEN waiting for me because I’ve accepted his free gift of salvation otherwise I would still be a lost sinning soul on my way to HELL . I know I went off on a tangent but The HOLY SPIRIT led me to tell you about his amazing sacrafice on the cross and his gift just waiting for you if you haven’t already accepted it ??
Sorry it is so long.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/25/2002 - 3:39 AM


Are you implying only Western religion and values are the only way to salvation ? I do not believe so: We Asians are not the ones who are occupying Bethlehem. We are not the ones going around picking fights with every country we consider evil. We are not preaching the word of God and hiding child molesters and Homos in the minister ranks. ADD strenghths are the courage to tell it like it is: Having a unconventional way to do things is a strength not a pity.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/26/2002 - 12:25 AM


Sorry Jiang, coming across as bigotted and antisemitic is not telling it like it is. Believe it or not, I had the same reaction as you did to Huh’s post on religion. But you seemed to have coveniently forgotten that he/she had the same objections to the tone of your post.

Actually, Jiang, I don’t think you even know the meaning of the word courage. Frankly, I think it is cowardly to espouse hate on these boards and not leave your email address. And I don’t want to hear that I am not doing it because I am not the one claiming to have courage.

Anyway, back to regularly scheduled programming which is support for LD/ADD issues.


Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/26/2002 - 3:43 AM


Ah ! I thought ADD/LD folks will accept outside help to get the services they need… Apparently, your social services folks won’t do much to help… Hey ! If a ovrseas organization offers help and aid to hunt down your advesaries and humiliate them, I’d take it. Remember my advesary’s advesary is my potential ally. ADD/LD people: take control of your situation” let’s make those parisites spend a year in our shoes !

PS: I am not leaving email addresses due to the fact that someone could use it to crash my system ! You think I am stupid to let people try to do it ?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/02/2003 - 1:29 AM


not sure what to think…just wanted some help with the ADD issue

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/10/2003 - 4:18 AM


Amen to jazz. I just looked to see what strengths other people saw in themselves and wow… all I saw - besides major spelling errors, which should not be blamed on LD because we all have spell check - was inexplicable. Anyway - I do not feel discriminated against. As an individual with ADD, I find that I am intelligent, creative, a fast thinker and just a bit disorganized. ADD is not a deficit – it is a different way of thinking. I am sure to reinforce that to all my students. Lastly, we have no control of what our governments decide to do no matter how strongly we feel or fool ourselves. So let’s just love our neighbor whether they believe in Tom, Dick or Harry. Have a good day.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 01/11/2003 - 12:51 PM


Awh ! Those people are the cause of our troubles. We need our own orgnization. Like the Indian nations or the Palestine Authority to stick up for us.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/13/2003 - 1:30 AM


Hi Tree,

While your post certainly isn’t in the category of the 1st one, frankly,I think you are being extremely unfair and harsh in just assuming that all someone has to do is pull out a spellchecker in dealing with spelling errors and that solves everything. Besides, I thought these boards were for LD/ADD support issues so I am perplexed as to how commenting on someone’s spelling is being supportive.

Anyway, I have heard that with certain types of LD, the regular spellchecker is worthless. I don’t understand it totally myself but sometimes, I have made spelling mistakes due to my visual motor integration problems (I know the right spelling but my fingers type something else) and my spellchecker gives me alternatives that I know aren’t right. So perhaps that is what is going on for those folks?

I am curious though, how do you use a spellchecker on these boards? I really don’t how to unless I used MS Word with its spellchecker and cut and pasted it into these boards.

Anyway, I think we need to focus on what these boards are for, which is being supportive of each other instead of the other stuff. Just my opinion.


Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/23/2003 - 5:44 PM


Be carefull with your blame and blanket statements. Not all Doctors are wealthy, not all doctors are Jewish, and professions are not inherently evil. Also, I’m jewish, and I haven’t a pot to piss in. I would begin by taking a deeper look at myself. People’s anamocity usually result from inferiority and discontent within.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/23/2003 - 10:12 PM


Jesus said, if he be lifted up he will draw all men unto romans the apostle paul,inspired by the holy spirit,wrote,” faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.’he also wrote, in one of his epistles,1cor.1:4-6,i always thank god for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.for in him you have been enriched in everyway-in all your speaking and in all your knowledge- because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you.”

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/23/2003 - 10:14 PM


huh??? wrote:
> What does this entry have to do with AD/HD strengths?? You
> talk about Jews and “super wealthy crooks” isn’t that over
> generalizing?? Also it is in my opinion discrimination . God
> loves everyone just the way we are . When we are saved he (
> Jesus ) comes to live in our hearts in the form of the HOLY
> SPIRIT and 9 times out of 10 we are broken , wounded and
> “unclean” when we do so . But if you call out to him he will
> hear you . All you have to do is ask and will change you
> from the inside out . I know because I did that very thing
> almost a year ago and I’m better because of it . He is
> guiding and directing my path because I go to him in prayer
> everyday and submit my will to him . It’s so wonderful
> knowing that God is in control and in the midst of things
> even when they’re not so good . He gives a free will and
> expects us to fall but he is there to provide a soft place
> for us when we do . But what he ultimately wants is for us to
> OBEY . I know that I have a place in HEAVEN waiting for me
> because I’ve accepted his free gift of salvation otherwise I
> would still be a lost sinning soul on my way to HELL . I know
> I went off on a tangent but The HOLY SPIRIT led me to tell
> you about his amazing sacrafice on the cross and his gift
> just waiting for you if you haven’t already accepted it ??
> Sorry it is so long.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 01/29/2003 - 2:37 AM


Hey ! This is an intresting post. One man spouts religious talk… the other spouts anti-kike statements… What happened to the ADD posts ? Anyway, as long as I didn’t get tarred with this… What’s my worry ? Anyway, does anyone know of any programs for inmproving math skills ? Thanks.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/02/2003 - 4:32 AM


Then explain why your god let colonialism in Asia happen ??? Why did he let europeans take africa and leve them backwards ???? Why are ADD folks in many cases suffering from neglect in the school systems ???

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/03/2003 - 6:31 PM


Thank you for what you shared. I also am a christian, and so having God in my life does make all struggles that I deal with from day to day easier. I am in a recovery class at my church, and that has been safe. I just need to tell myself that I’m okay just the way I am, but lately that’s been difficult.

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