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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

HI! My name is Lauren. I have been suffering w/ADHD my whole life. I was diagnosed when I was a small child with ADHD symtoms, which was called Auditory Association, which ADHD wasnt popular then, I believe.

I am 36 years old and I need help. I want to help myself. I feel If I did, my life would be so much better. I suffer every day. I know I have Adult ADHD and I am FINALLY ready to do something about it and take control of my life.

Anyone with this simular situation?

Thanks! THis is my first post. I am a little rusty.

LAUREN :roll:

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 07/30/2003 - 3:08 PM


I know what you are going through! In what ways in your ADD interfering with your life. Maybe we can come up with some ideas for work arounds! :D

Tell me more 8)

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/18/2003 - 8:30 PM


Hey Lauren. Just wanted to let you know that your not the only one in the boat. I’m 35 with LD/ADD and continue to struggle. I know it’s difficult to accept the disablity. I wish I can offer some services out there, but I don’t really know of any for people our age. Most of the services are for kids or people in school. If you find any, please let me know.

God Bless

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/18/2003 - 11:49 PM


There is a lot more information available today versus 36 years ago. As you likely know, the ADHD meds do work for a portion of those with ADHD (not everyone).

HI! My name is Lauren. I have been suffering w/ADHD my whole life. I was diagnosed when I was a small child with ADHD symtoms, which was called Auditory Association, which ADHD wasnt popular then, I believe.

I am 36 years old and I need help. I want to help myself. I feel If I did, my life would be so much better. I suffer every day. I know I have Adult ADHD and I am FINALLY ready to do something about it and take control of my life.

Anyone with this simular situation?

Thanks! THis is my first post. I am a little rusty.


Submitted by bamamom on Fri, 09/26/2003 - 3:48 AM


Hi Lauren,
I know how you feel. It was after my second child that I realized how difficult life is with ADHD. My son was diagnosed and thats when I began to question myself. I knew I at least had to do something for his sake. There was no way I was going to be able to teach him to be an organized man if I could not be myself. Talk about a “Scatter Brain”, no offence, thats how I felt. I could not motivate myself to do anything. I was constantly overwhelmed with being a mother, wife, housekeeper, and a teacher. After I was diagnosed I felt so relieved that there was finally something that could be done about it. My whole life nearly everything I couldn’t stand about myself now had a reason. When I read the symptoms the first time I thought, “They are wrting this about me”. From the not being a good housekeeper, to piles of everything, not being able to finish things, the mood swings, impulsiveness, inattentiveness, daydreaming,…thats me in a nutshell. I wish you the best of luck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 10/16/2003 - 2:05 AM


I have been reading the messages on adult ADD. I am in my late 30’s and I am in need of some advice. I am glad I am not the only one out there with adult ADD. I am trying to pass the Praxis I teacher exam and I can not pass the math or reading. I have been diagnosed with ADD/Dyslexia for 5 years now. I am having problems with the Educational Testing Services for Disabilities letting me have extended time on the exam. I just had another full Neuropsychologial Evaluation done to the tune of $4,000 and ETS still want give me extended time. The Praxis I Math and Reading Exam is one hour each and has 45 questions. I can not get but 30 answered before time runs out. I have done everything the testing service requires and still nothing. Does anyone know what legal rights adults with ADD have? Please help if you can. Thanks Lou

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/16/2003 - 7:12 AM


I was diagnosed with Hyperactivity as a child. I did the Ritalin regime for about 6 yrs. Then my Dr. “suddenly retired” and I was left to go to another Dr. I would say I was about 13 at the time. This second Dr. prescribed Dexidrene Spans and told my mother I was outgrowing it. Well I was so distraught over the way I had been done, I never followed up getting any further information and wrote all Dr’s and all Hyperactivity off. I was so disappointed in my “treatment”. Well fast forward to today. I am 34yrs old, and suffering terribly from tinnitus and yep you guessed it.. hyperactivity. Total ADHD. Don’t finish what I start, have motivation to do things, just can’t seem to do them, intense about things one minute, and the next not… the list goes on and on. It is affecting every aspect of my life, and has been happening for about 7 yrs, getting worse every year. I can’t afford help, and it is driving me slowly crazy. So I imagine the next few years will be my last, unless I can make some major things happen. I will tell you I smoked for 17 yrs and it seemed to make a difference in the symptoms. But since I quit a year ago, I am really bad. I hope I can resolve this, and keep myself together, but I dunno. I am married and have kids, I sure hope I can keep all of us together as well. I wish you all luck, and just remember, just when your life seems bad, Someone else comes along with alot worse things.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 7:51 PM


I have felt like you do myself. I am 59 and was just diagnosed with ADHD. It has been very hard just geting life. At least, like so many others, I know know that I am not crazy. I am also very depressed and have been most of my life. I am very ready to get my life together and will do what ever it takes. I hope you can get the proper treatment and make your life much better.

wayland G :lol:

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