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Adult with AD/HD coaching a college student with AD/HD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I just wondered what experiences, positive and negative other members might be willing to share.

My son was diagnosed Ad/hd just a year ago as a freshman in college. I am disappointed that it was never picked up earlier by teachers, as he might have been able to learn better coping and studying skills. He is bright and did well, so I guess they never realized how much stress he and our family were under trying to keep it all together.

When I researched ad/hd in my son, I realized I’d also always suffered from the same thing, and suddenly realized the cause of all the chaos and the reason for feeling so disconnected and out of sync with the rest of society.

My son got some coaching at the university, but the first school was huge, and we switched him to a smaller private university, but their coaching is not as good. He had a grad student that worked with him on keeping a schedule and making timelines for school.

I am trying to keep the house organized, but with him over the summer, between the two of us chaos seems to reign, and I tend to feel exhausted a lot.

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas for how to keep my head above water. I would love to read something that might give useful suggestions for how to stay on top of housekeeping, bills keeping a calendar for my kids etc. etc. and how best to coach children affected by the disorder all at the same time. I have another teen who we think was unaffected by ad/hd although we’re not totally sure. She wonders if she might have it, but has always been the more organized one in the family, so I haven’t had her tested yet. I am a single parent, so no help from a spouse on this one…

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