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Any help is appreciated...

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I was dx with ADHD a few years ago. Tried Adderall, but it made me CRAZY. Wellbutrin worked well, but I was allergic (urticaria). I know take Strattera, and though it has helped with symptoms of depression/lethargy, I am still ADHD as hell!! Anyway, I am now questioning the diagnosis and would like to know if anyone has had 1) terrible sadness/depression/dysthymia with trying to complete tasks for which the enthusiasm is lost. 2) Almost complete lack of short term memory. or 3) Marked improvement when on some kind of “buddy” system— that is, when doing any project it seems impossible to motivate myself, yet I am always able to “borrow” from a classmate/study mates enthusiasm, which makes me excited about the task and able to complete.
Also- regarding #1: It took me 10 years to finish my degree because I refused to take the required PE course. Every time I thought about registering, it was like invisible hands pulling me down.
So am I crazy lazy or stupid??? (I read the book, still am not sure).
Thanks a million!!!

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