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Assessment for adults with a ld

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Does anyone know of a free or inexpensive assessment for adults who may have a learning disabiity? I used to use one about 10 years ago, but no longer have access to it. Feel free to email me with info.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 05/11/2003 - 5:47 PM


Hi Linda,

I had many of my tests done at a local university and never paid a dime. They did take my insurance information, and I have to imagine they got paid since that was in January and they haven’t tried to contact me about it. I had an APD evaluation, and many cognitive tests including Woodcock Johnson.. Full evaluations however at that university are only done for full time students. I had no choice but to go to a private neuropsychologist to complete my testing, but it looks like my insurance company will pay for this as well.

When you decide to involve an insurane company, first make sure to discuss privacy issues with your testers. It’s possible down the road their diagnosis may make it difficult for you to collect benefits if you are disabled in any way, and you need to make an informed choice to go the insurance route or to pay out of pocket.

Good luck!!


Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/13/2003 - 7:06 PM


Let me clarify. I am not looking for testing, but for a test to administer. I once had one, but no longer have access to it. I am an adult educator working with an incarcerated population, and we are looking for such an instrument to use in our programs.

Thank you for the info, though, Audrey. I do appreciate it.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/13/2003 - 7:15 PM


You may want to contact Nanci Payne. She has developed an adult screening inventory for learning disabilities. Here is an article by her from the LD OnLine Web site. Her addresss is at the bottom of the article.

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