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books written by adults with LD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I was wondering if anyone knew of books that are out there that have been written by adults with LD about their self perceptions and experiences. I know of Faking It, but that’s about it. I’m doing research for my master’s thesis.

Thanks for the help!

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/24/2003 - 5:05 AM


There’s Growing Up with NLD by Deborah Green. You can get it by calling 1-800-654-6623 or by going to


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/24/2003 - 10:54 AM


There is a book called ‘learning outside the lines’ by two guys with ld’s, one’s name is Jonathon Mooney, I can’t remember the other one’s name. Dale S. Brown has written several books, she has ld. Also Temple Grandin, an autistic adult.
The ld store has a book list (look for it in the colored boxes above).

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/25/2003 - 11:13 PM


Guess what? Jon Mooney has a post on this site asking for ld stories. Amazing coincidence don’t ya think? Since I just mentioned his name yesterday, I mean.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/17/2003 - 4:22 PM


I am a early senior citizen, who has, after 36 years, discovered that he has a learning disability that may have caused him his most recent job. I have been to a psycho neurologist who has described my LD as either “Cognitive Processing Impairment”, or “Cognitive Reasoning Impairment”. I need to research this and find out what I can do about it in my job search. Are there any resources that I can use to do this self-discovery.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/27/2003 - 2:49 AM



The Adult learning Disabilities Assocation, called, i think has a book that their clients developed, it is excellent. Also Paul Gerber from Virginia Commonwealth University has written and has students talk about ld…
The Learning disabilites Association of Ontario has a register called comminque, and they have stories which people write and they also have a consumer advisory group you can contact.
hope this helps

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/27/2003 - 2:49 AM



The Adult learning Disabilities Assocation, called, i think has a book that their clients developed, it is excellent. Also Paul Gerber from Virginia Commonwealth University has written and has students talk about ld…
The Learning disabilites Association of Ontario has a register called comminque, and they have stories which people write and they also have a consumer advisory group you can contact.
hope this helps

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