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Can someone help me decipher my assessment report?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

So in 1999 I was finally retested and actually given the report. In the past they just sort of said ya she has LD here are some accomodations or they lost the report.

Some psychologist went over it with me but I haven’t a clue what it means. I am now a recent University Graduate and really would like to know what my LD mean.

It’s pretty long… so is there someone who is willing to send email back and forth to me to explain this? I don’t feel like trying to find someone to explain it in terms I don’t understand.



Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/30/2002 - 1:55 AM


The psychologist should’ve done it in layman’s terms in the first place. Don’t ever be afraid to ask him/her to explain it better for you. That’s the only way you’re going to learn about yourself and how to cope better with your difficulties.

Good luck!!


Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/17/2002 - 3:16 AM


I have L.D. and A.D.D. Send me your E-mail and I’ll let you know what it meens. I work at a hospital for anything I can’t figure out.
I wrote a book on it to. I’m trying to get it published because people like you don’t know what it meens and the Dr’s. don’t tail you enough about it either. Trust me.
[email protected]

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