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can someone with l.d. and add get social security disability

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

can someone with l.d. and add get social security disability or ssi any info would be of help thanks

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/17/2003 - 8:56 AM


Perhaps but if you can push a broom it’s unlikley. If you have a physical problem and if you can get a shrink to slap a psychiatric lable on you you will have a better chance.

Go to a disability scumbag/lawyer and see what it says. Most likely they will send you to a shrink that you will buy a psychiatric diagnosis from and you will be on your way.

Unfortunately that’s how it works.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 02/22/2003 - 11:30 PM


Darn! I had the gut feeling that it was like that! LOL and no wonder I’ve fought against going for it myself.(I’m a Learning Disabled Adult, btw.) And, if you look at it, the right way- in essence, getting SSI or Disability is basically slitting your own throat financially! Something I refuse to do! (Most people don’t understand that’s what it is, in essence!- also lines Adults with LD up for even more ridicule, abuse, and discrimination,too….) At least, that’s the way I see it- and I REFUSE to put myself in that position..

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/23/2003 - 3:55 AM


Unless you are really disabled it is next to impossible to get SSI or SDI.

I recieve SDI in part for LD/TBI but also for a permanent physical injury.

I went to a lawyer and the lawyer really fouled things up. (It’s a long story) Basically the lawyer/scumbag/lawyer wanted me to buy a phoney diagnosis from her shrink. I refused and fired the scumbag/lawyer/scumbag and went to an appeal on my own and Social Security treated me fine and realized that the lawyer did some major screw ups.

An interesting side note is that the scumbag/lawyer and her mother are partners and her mother is a frequent guest on local news segment where people call and she gives legal advice. I called this live program and I asked this witch if I could still become a lawyer being that my parents were married. She was quite perplexed. I roared.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/23/2003 - 1:32 PM


LOL really doesn’t surprise me, that it’s next to impossible to get SSI,ect with an LD diagnosis..I don’t think my case is that severe- I have worked, and am more than willing to work- however gainful employment has proven to be far and few between…Thankful and grateful when and if I do get it! (biggest problem seems to be due to the fact that I don’t drive, as well as my horrrible employment history….)

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/05/2003 - 5:11 AM


I am an adult with ld and I worked for a federal government agency I wa hired under the handicapped appointment authority transferred to another state was told I was depressed needed to return home. Applied for federal jobs since returning home under the schedule A most of the federal personnel office act as though they have no idea what I am talking about. yet their are pages of information on hiring adults with disabilities on OPM web site. Do anyone have any suggestions. I also have a horrible employment history to mostly because of my ld.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/05/2003 - 9:48 PM


I’m also an adult with LD..ooh that I didn’t know- about the handicapped authority thing, let alone about Schedule A. How does that work? well, no, they’re NOT going to know, as it doesn’t affect them personally…so they’re not going to have accurate information, or look at it…however that is on excuse for ignorance, especially if there are people working with them with LD’s or other disabilities…I,too have a horrible employment history due to my LD….I just wish that there was some way those of us with LD’s could pull together and put something together not just to use to help us make our lives better in spite of, and in the face of our LD’s…

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/11/2003 - 7:45 PM


No, you can not obtain ssi w/ a diagnose of a learning diability your not diababled. These governt programs make me laugh and should be put out of business for discriminating. Just b/c you have a LD doesnt mean your incompetant of fulfilling employment.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/12/2003 - 10:37 AM


That’s true too,Ball, but you know if they did that they would implement a cut off guideline, can’t make over “x” ammount each month to get benefits…- which would be very low…as I’m sure you know with disability you can’t make over what $800 or so a month….in order to get benefits…and with that $800 you’ve busted your ass to earn, it still isn’t enough to live comfortably on…It’s almost like they think BECAUSE someone has a disability they either don’t have the right to live comfortably, AND have the means and $$ to get what they need- and Goddess forbid they get a few extra luxuries they want? Oh no…they can’t stand the thought of that! Also, it falls in with the idea that if they DID implement that kind of program, or any program that would TRULY address the needs of those that get or need assistance, it would cut into those nice pay raises they vote in for themselves….and those nice cushy multimillion retirements they’ve got sat up for themselves….then they turn around and scream how “broke ” Social Security is, and other funding programs they have…Gee, sure as hell doesn’t take a freakin’ rocket scientist to figure out that if we took all that big $$ from them , the multi million $$ retirements from them and PUT that towards our nation’s debt, and social security,AND social services- we might just be able to REALLY address the needs and get something done! Let’s face it, those in government- both State and Federal are greedy wankers..
And it’s going to get to the point where the have nots- those of us with disabilities, and other people that are poverty stricken for whatever reason are going to get to that level and have had enough- then all hell’s going to break loose, us poverty stricken people are going to rise up and TAKE what we need, and want- and let them KNOW how it feels NOT to have enough to live on, surivive on, let alone have that oh so nice slice of the American Dream…Basically a civil war…That’s what it’s going to come to…and I for one am so damn CLOSE to that level as it is!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/20/2003 - 9:12 PM


As far as I have learned in my Education courses, one has the ablilty to collect social security checks on the basis of severe learning disibilities. With the proper documentation from doctors, it can be done. Not to say it is an easy task, but as an example. My sister is 21, and has been diagnosed with an auditory comprehension disorder, amongst others. She has applied for SS and will be recieving it shortly. Some learning disibilites really incapacitate those who have them, not to say that others that have LD are incompetent. We all know our capacities, but there are those out there that really cannot deal with the “real world” in regards to work and society. She will be entering a program where she will be assisted in job training with someone to assist her and guide her through the process of working and earning a living, but for the time being, she needs help, and will get it.

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