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Can they force me to take college algebra ?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi All,

Here’s the deal. I plan on getting a online degree in criminal justice. There is 1 math class I need to take in order get the degree……college algebra.

Now, I was diagnosed 4 years ago with Dyscalculia, and after being diagnosed I sent the 12 page psychological assesment to the state board who in turn told my 2 year school to go and award me my Associates Degree. (I passed everything else with no problem.)

I am on a 6th grade level in math, according to the psychologist. I called the special services department, and they said they are sympathetic and will give me tutors, extra time, etc………..BUT that they can’t substitute the course and that I will have to take the class. The only good news is that they consider a D a passing grade.

Now, if I can’t get a D in pre-algebra, how in the hell am I to get a D in college algebra? It will be an online class but what am I to do ?

Any suggestions ??

Submitted by victoria on Fri, 10/08/2004 - 1:33 AM


Shop through the tutors and get one with lots of experience teaching and tutoring, the older the better.

Then just drag through it step by &&^^%$$ step.

College algebra is not all that bad, depending on the level often follows right after pre-algebra.
So get a tutor who understands how math is cumulative and who will go back and do the pre-algebra stuff you need.
Take your time and get it right. It is doable, just keep at it.

Submitted by morty on Fri, 10/08/2004 - 4:22 AM


With all due respect Victoria, I don’t think it’s “doable”. This has caused me enough grief and caused me to get my associates degree much later than it should have been.

Like I said, if I can’t do pre-algebra, how can I do college algebra ???

Submitted by ellyodd on Fri, 10/08/2004 - 10:32 AM


Take your time to learn pre-algebra first? Don’t let this stop you from getting a degree. I’m sure you CAN learn algebra if you find the right method for YOU.

Don’t hurry up, that is the worst you can do.

A ‘D’ in college algebra IS possible even with the worst dyscalculia :)

(if you can’t - then you don’t have dyscalculia but ACALCULIA)

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/08/2004 - 8:47 PM



I have really bad dyscalculia as well as piss poor typing skills:) I go to University and am persuing a degree in LITERATURE with an emphasis in the METAPHYSICALS and have no choice but to take math. No where will I ever be using ALGEBRA for I am persuing a LITERATURE degree. Graduate schools have actually told me that they will not even consider the gre’s or the MATH I have to suffer through in order to fulfil degree requirements set by the Board of Regents of my state. So, I feel you, man. You try learning something you can barely do that you shall never use except to obtain a University degree. Trying to get a University degree is the only reason why I have suffered through math.
But, you can learn your math. Take it from me. You can. It might really tire you out, but you can do it. The person typing this has hardly any parietal lobes becasue they had ‘water on the brain’ as an infant. And yet, she still tries to learn her math.
I take intermediate algebra online after having spent ONE FULL YEAR learning ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Do you hear me, man? ONE FULL YEAR…university holidays included. This past summer I finally passed it and then fail intermediate algebra once and am on try number two. And that is with barely having the part of my brain that most folks have that like govern math skills. My the good Lord bless him, but my doing math is like Stevie Wonder trying to see; it just ain’t gonna happen and I still try.
You can try your best and as long as you stay on the right path, you can learn. You might never be an accountant, but who cares? You are luckey that you only have to take College Algebra, I have to take Elementary Calculus! So, if all you have to do is learn enough Algebra to laern University level Algebra, then just go for it. You can audit it before you take it for a grade. Hell, you can study opver it with a tutor before you even take it! But, as Victoria wrote math is comprehensive; all of us with math l.d. have to consistantly do it; because it is something that is “doable.”
Every time you deem math as something that is not “doable” you are slowly digging your own grave. Why do that? Why deem something imposible before you ahve sat yourself down and tried to do it? That is like a self fufilling prophecy? Why do that? You hold your head up high and take all of your math books and graph paper to the nearest tutroing lab your ownline course says you can go to, and learn you math. When there is a will there is a way! Do not back down from your learning and remember that labels are for cans, man!

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