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Central Processing Disorder

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I just found out I have a central processing disorder. I actually thought I was hard of hearing , so I finally went to my Dr and she sent me to an ear Dr for further testing. I’m 46 and a little frustrated with the fact that there does not seem to be any direction that they are sending me to get help for this disorder. I spend alot of time reading lips, not that I can not hear but it helps me to consentrate better. Some times I must have people repeat things 4 or 5 times because what they are saying sounds like jibberish to me. People really to get annoyed at me and I get very annoyed at myself. I have alot of difficuly interacting with people because of this. People with accents are also very difficult for me to understand. Any answers or direction?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/06/2003 - 12:29 AM


Hi Crystal!!

Very smart on your part to think of lip reading to help you focus. I too have a CPD…along with some other challenges. I learned to lip read while still young and use it all the time. In my current line of work understanding ppl is important and there are definetly times where my “focus” isn’t where I would like it to be. When that happens I am honest and just explain (minimally) that “I have a challenge that makes it hard for me to understand sometimes… would you mind repeating what you said again please?” Most ppl dont mind then.
Before I got the huxtpa to ask tho ppl used to get quite mad at me and even call me names. I got tired of that happening and decided I deserved to be treated better than that…but that I had to take responsability for the fact they didn’t know what was really wrong. So I started to be honest….and you know what??? Its rare anyone gets mad or calls me names over it anymore.

Good luck….and keep up the good work.

PS—> I find keeping a little notepad and pencil nearby also handy. For those longer details that have to be kept track of.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/09/2003 - 6:37 PM


Hi Lil,

I don’t come to this adult board often, because I am here for my son. I’ve never run across another “Lil” before.



Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/11/2003 - 4:47 PM


HiCrystal, I feel I’ve something common with you . I glad you
wrote this. I would like thank you for writting this . Ihave people
get mad at me when Imiss the point of the converstion. If you
any information on Cpd I think I have it., please e-mail me.Chris

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/20/2003 - 9:33 PM


What you all said was pretty helpful. My sister, who is 21, was just diagnosed with the same disorder and I was told by her doctor that in order for her to completely understand what is being said to her, we must use more visual means of communication. The lip reading was a good idea, any other suggestions?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/27/2003 - 12:17 AM


I wonders if anyone has heard or has had an experience being treated
by one of a listening centers who practice Thomatis theory to treat people
with auditory processing disorders. i am researching this area. if you
know an audiologist could you ask hoim about it?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/27/2003 - 12:18 AM


I wonders if anyone has heard or has had an experience being treated
by one of a listening centers who practice Thomatis theory to treat people
with auditory processing disorders. i am researching this area. if you
know an audiologist could you ask hoim about it?

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