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College Research Project - Please Help THANKS!

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hello everyone,
I am a college student with ADHD. I am working on my Masters Degree in Education and Technology.

I am doing a research project regarding: “Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may have a greater struggle in order to succeed in college.”

My hypothesis is this: “Adults with ADHD can succeed in college with the right mixture of necessary elements and under modified conditions.”

I have some questions that I need people to answer to help me prove or disprove my theory.

If people could please reply to the message boards, or email me at [email protected], I would greatly appreciate your assistance and insight. Here are my questions:

1) “What elements are necessary for the college-level ADHD student’s success?”

2) “Under what conditions is success most prevalent?”

3) “How much responsibility does the teacher bear?”

4) “How much responsibility does the student bear?”

5) “Does a diagnosis make a difference?”

6) “Do treatment methods make a difference?”

I am already compiling my research for my paper and could use as much help as possible as quickly as possible.

Thank you all for any input and opinion you can share!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/17/2004 - 10:26 PM


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply to this questionnaire. The final assignment is due on Friday April 23rd and I still need responses to compile my research. Thank you so much!

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/21/2004 - 3:37 PM


My hypothesis is this: “Adults with ADHD can succeed in college with the right mixture of necessary elements and under modified conditions.”

I’m an adult with ADHD. I’m not sure I agree with your hypothesis really but I’ll try to answer your questions. I think your hypothesis is too broad. It’s like saying - everybody with celebral palsy can learn to walk with the right mixture of necessary elements. Can they all learn to walk? But anyway here goes -

1) “What elements are necessary for the college-level ADHD student’s success?”

That depends on how the ADHD presents. It presents differently in each person. Some ADHD people have troublel with organization, others do not. If they have trouble with organization, they need organizational support- whatever that means. It’s one of the phrases used often. If they can’t attend in class, they might need medication. Are they impulsive? They need help with that.

2) “Under what conditions is success most prevalent?”
When someone has ADHD? I’d say when their ADHD is mild. I’ve seen a lot of ADHD students drop out. And what do you mean by success? do you mean good grades or is it ok if they squeaked through and managed to graduate?

3) “How much responsibility does the teacher bear?”
My opinion on that or what the law says? I think the teacher can have a tremendous effect on the success of any student but whether the teacher does or not is another matter entirely. At present the law says teachers must grant accomodations according the IEP but they don’t always do it.

4) “How much responsibility does the student bear?”
Again, what the laws says? Or really? I don’t quite understand how to answer this.

5) “Does a diagnosis make a difference?”
Well, if you don’t have a diagnosis and proof of it, you won’t get any accomodations. so yes if anything makes a difference, that does.

6) “Do treatment methods make a difference?”
You’re asking some very general questions here. I’m not sure how well informed I am about this but if ADHD people take medication, it can make a difference but it doesn’t for everybody.

I am already compiling my research for my paper and could use as much help as possible as quickly as possible.

Thank you all for any input and opinion you can share!

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/26/2004 - 6:25 PM


Thank you Stan for taking time to reply and participate in my research. I have taken your suggestions into consideration and am looking for ways to clarify my questions as I continue researching this topic.

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