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college student with LD - where to take exams

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi im a learning disabled college student majoring in Finance. I recently got the highest grade in the class of 40 students on my accounting test, but I took it in a special distraction-free room. I come across as so bright that I feel guilty that these kids around me don’t have my accomodations. They take it in the classroom under more stress. What should I do? Should I take it in the classroom because I feel I need to prove to them like “Hey I can still beat your butt even with no accomodations?” I feel as though they dont understand LD and think it’s bull for someone like me who performs so well and speaks articulately like a professor to have something like this.

Submitted by bgb on Tue, 01/27/2004 - 5:08 PM


Hey exphysio.

Congratulations on the test! Way to go.

“I feel as though they dont understand LD and think it’s bull for someone like me who performs so well and speaks articulately like a professor to have something like this.”
You are probably right that they don’t understand, but who cares what they think. You won’t even see most of them ever again.

“I feel guilty…”
As much as I understand this (having felt it often) I wish you could let the guilt go. I’m sure your grade has more to do with hard work and study than taking the test in a different room.

“Should I take it in the classroom because I feel I need to prove to them like “Hey I can still beat your butt even with no accomodations?”
If you want to, to prove something to yourself. On the other hand, the accomidation only levels the playing field. You probably could take your next test with your normal writing hand tied behind your back, just to prove you could do. But it seems like a waste of time to me.

Good luck in school.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/27/2004 - 5:25 PM


Hey, guy….


Because of the Adult LD Student qualifications, you are permitted that
accommodation. In regards to class participation, you might want to
cut back on your volunteering opinions and knowledge, unless
the professor specifically addresses you by name, to answer the
question. That way, you won’t get “Razzed” that much by other
students. Other than that, you should be A O K, and Fantastic.
Good luck, and have a great semester.

<< I used to work for the Dean of Business, Govt. and Technology;
supporting Mgmt.Sci, Acctng., Econ-Finance; Public Administration;
Political Science >>

– end –

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/27/2004 - 10:47 PM


exphysio I think that you should take your tests in the “quiet room”, they call it that at my uni because they even offer headphones that block noise! You do as you have been doing, but do not hold yourself back! Rock your class! Be proud of yourself! If you are ld, it is not your fault to have to have testing accomodations, do not feel guilty. Shoot, I feel no guilt doing tests for math in the quiet room, man. Some professors will rush a test, and even talk during part of it, so you rock your quiet room right and rock your class, man!

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