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Destination Employment Program for Adults with LD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi All:

I am writing from Canada, to tell you about a terrific program we have iniated in the Toronto area. I thought you might all want to know about it!!!

In an effort to help those with learning disabilities in our community, the Learning Disabilities Association of North Peel, in partnership with Human Resources Development Canada, and the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada, is excited to be offering Destination Employment, an innovative job readiness program for adults with Learning Disabilities.

According to recent statistics 1 in 10 people in Canada are affected by learning disabilities. Many have learned coping strategies to effectively work within our society however others suffer through years of poverty, unemployment, and under-employment. The purpose of Destination Employment is to give adults who have a learning disability, or suspect they have a disability, an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to gain fulfilling and sustained careers.

The program is offered in several modules, which include the following topics:

· Screening and Assessment for Learning Disabilities
· Career Search and Job Development
· 4 week work placement with an employer in the Region of Peel.

The program is open to adults in the Region of Peel. Referrals are accepted through local community organizations and self-referral through the LDA North Peel office in Brampton. Participants will be served on a first come, first serve basis.

I would be pleased to answer any questions or clarify details about the program. Additionally, if you would like a presentation/information session regarding Destination Employment or adults with learning disabilities, I would be pleased to make those arrangements.

I may be contacted through the Learning Disabilities Association of North Peel Office 150 Central Park Drive Suite 104, Brampton (905) 791-4100 or via e-mail [email protected].

Joe Henry
Regional Coordinator
Destination Employment

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/29/2002 - 12:17 AM


My husband was born with Cerebral Palsy. He grew up in NY and was pushed through the school system because they did not know what to do with him.
He is now a 43 yr old adult, who has never been given the opportunity to choose his life. Well meaning counsellors have asked him, what would you like to do? He is stunned at the thought that he may have a choice besides janitorial work or hard labor.
I am very proud of him. He has a quick wit and if you need someone with common sense to set you straight, he’s the one.
He was tested with a learning disability, but was told that he would best learn hands on.
We have been looking for programs in the United States that may offer him a better life and the education he has been dreaming of. I spent the last four years working with him, and he has gone from not reading at all, to being able to surf the net, answer emails and read the Sunday paper with me every weekend. If he can do that, what else is he capable of?? Are there any people out there who can offer a hand of guidance to us? We feel lost. Tony(my husband) just wants a life of his own, not one picked for him by society.
Please email me at [email protected] if you have any suggestions. We live in Tampa, Florida, but I would be willing to move if it meant seeing my husband proud of himself.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/29/2002 - 1:45 AM


Self employment make the most sense. Check out They have templates for business plans loans ect.. It would be great if our government used a little common sense but that will never happen. If I were an employer I would be reluctant to hire a disabled person. If the gov gave me real incentives I’d hire the disabled in a heart beat, but the government harrasses business and exploits the disabled. I saw a bumper sticker that read,”I love my country but I fear my government” I think more Americans feel that way than Canadiens. What do you think Joe Henery?

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