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Failing out of college

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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/26/2004 - 1:59 PM


At your univeristy? Make an Appointment and get in there ASAP. Been there and done that myself as a college student and a parent. I was successful in Jr. college and when I got into the University it was hard and the students with disabilites office allowed me to get the help I needed so I could finish my degree. I now have a Masters degree and believe me I got all the accomodations I needed to graduate.

My son who is 23 and ADHD was on academic probation at his University. He dug his way out with the help of the students with disabilities office and medication. He too takes Adderall. Get in to see your Dr. for an adjustment on your medication too.

You can do this…you have to learn to advocate for yourself and talk with your professors…if they get to know you and your struggles they will work with you. But if you don’t talk with them they won’t know and they will think you don’t care….

Break the ice with the professors and the students with disabilities office you won’t regret it!! :lol:

Submitted by victoria on Tue, 04/27/2004 - 2:08 AM


Yes, talk to people!!
That’s what they are paid for, in the counselling office, to be there and listen and talk. You’re paying for the service so use it.

I frequently suffer from extreme shyness. I have learned to cope with it most of the time by just walking in and doing. I feel like an idiot, I do no preparation because I can’t bring myself to, but I walk in there.
Remember, the *worst* they can do to you is say no. And if that happens? You’re exactly the same place where you are now. So maybe it isn’t a win-win situation, but it’s a win-tie, and the chances are better if you go in than if you don’t.

Yes, you can drop out of a four-year university and/or take a couple of terms off. I have real health problems, and I have learned that when things are not working it works a lot better to go in and take sick leave than to stay and wait until things fall apart. If your Adderal is not working, well, get a doctor’s letter and use that to get appropriate sick leave. You can get Incomplete grades, or drop courses after the drop date, or get extensions on work, or whatever is reasonable. This doesn’t mean getting out of doing the work, just doing it when it is physically possible. Universities have heard it all before and if you are absolutely honest with them most of the time you will get a fair hearing. The things NOT to do are to wait until you have already failed, or to try to play games.

Submitted by ToddAADD on Fri, 05/14/2004 - 10:48 PM


Have you thought about not taking a full load? Take one or two classes at a time, you’re already close to being finished so extend your graduation date out and get it done right. Tell your consoler why, and what you need, I don’t see why they wouldn’t help you.

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