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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

[rant]I am 27 years old and sometimes I just want to give up. It feels so diffucult when I am dealing with people and just cant keep up most of the time. Tonight at a rehearsal with my new band I was beiing shown a new song. I could tell that they were getting frustrated at the repetition I needed in order for me to learn, memorise and recall the parts. I have such diffuculty with recall. Something can be shown to me and 20 seconds later it is very diffucult to recall but as soon as I am shown the start of the thing it is there clear as day. I am just so fed up I see people seeing my slow reactions inability of recall. is there a treatment that anybosy has heard of? I know that if I were to just ‘excersise’ my memory I am sure I would see an improvement. I live it Toronto, Canada does anyone know of some sort of resource I might call upon? Another bug problem I have is finding the appropriate word for the concept/idea I have in my mind this is embarising and ever so frustrating. I can be speaking with a person and be trying to relay my idea then well the person looses interest it moves on, they think me rude, addled.[/rant]

life sucks but I tell myself that there are better people that(I meant than) I who have MUCH worse problems than I. So I should fell happy…I dont

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 02/21/2004 - 3:38 AM


:( [quote]I have such difficulty with recall. If you ever find help for memory recall please post it I also suffer with the same problem.[/quote]

Submitted by jaggedsphere on Sat, 02/21/2004 - 3:46 AM


unfortunatly I got kicked from that band……feel like sleeping for a long long time..

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/22/2004 - 11:51 PM


Are you getting high with your bandmates? That can cause memory problems.

What type of music do you play and what instrument do you play?

I may have some helpful suggestions.

Submitted by jaggedsphere on Mon, 02/23/2004 - 4:26 AM


no I do not do drugs or drink…I play Bass guitar. lately I have feen playing funk type stuff..

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/23/2004 - 6:04 PM


Unfortunately guitar players tend to call the shots as to what goes on in a band. They have the tune down cold before they come to practice then the show you the part and expect you to pick it up right there on the spot while the drummer is banging on his drums and there are all sorts of other distractions.

I would suggest that you leard your parts before practice. You can also bring a small recorder so that you can take the parts back home and work on them in your own time.

Sabine makes a device called a playback that will sample a part of a song and play that part back at different speeds. I have been in your shoes and bounced from a few bands cause of my LD.

I also play bass and now have become fairly sought after for my talents but getting there was not easy.

Next band you are in explain your problem and let them know you will come to practice prepared but you are not able to learn stuff on the fly.

Also check out It is a site dedicated to us bottom dwellers. Bass players are the Rodney Dangerfield of musicians. We don’t get no respect.

If you haven’t been replaced yet in the band that booted you see if you can get your old gig back and explain your difficulty. If they are unwilling to accomodate you find people who will. Music is a lot more than playing all the right notes.

Keep playing and never stop being a student of music. Good luck!

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/23/2004 - 9:23 PM


I have some very similar disabilities among other things. From my reading, I’ve determined that it is most likely caused by slight damage to the hippocampus . The hippocampus is especially vulnerable to injury from oxygen deprivation as an infant (I suffered a severe case of pneumonia at the age of 3 months and had to be resuscitated several times within a 24 hour period). It sounds like your associational memory works fine, but your recall is messed up. I have the same thing. I can remember all kinds of facts and details while I’m working on a project, but if someone asks me for some fact or detail off the top of my head, I can’t remember (including people’s names). I also have a hard time finding the right words. This is why I prefer writing to speaking.

Unfortunately, the damage is permanent. You can probably still improve your memory using all the usual techniques, such as mnemonics. I’ve also heard that exercise can improve memory (I’m a runner). It’s actually been shown that long term exercise increases the size of the hippocampus, BTW.

There is also the possibility that you are suffering from something like ADHD or even depression. Both of these things can also mess up memory.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/24/2004 - 12:36 AM


I have sought help for myself and it has pretty much been a waste of time.

I am currently trying HGH human growth hormone and I am gonig to do some memory exercises along with it.

In addition I am taking huge amounts of amino acids and fish oils.

I’m also gonna get some anabolic steroids and some testosterone cause I figure if it doesn’t help my brain at least I will get bigger muscles.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/24/2004 - 4:21 AM


Human Growth Hormone :?: :? to try to ‘fix’ your LD??

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/24/2004 - 5:27 AM


[quote=”cameron34”]Human Growth Hormone :?: :? to try to ‘fix’ your LD??[/quote]

Oh yeah, I’m gonna try it. If ther is one thing that I have learned in my quest to improve my brain and that is that doctors are full of sch*t up to their ears.

Much of what they know is wrong. I am not convinced that the actual physical condition of the brain can’t be remediated. I am familiar with some of what is done for for brian injury and most of the time it is too little too late.

I think I can improve the overall condition of my brain. Doctors are still giving out misinformation with great authority.

Being that the brain is comprised mainly of protien and fat I am thinking that repairing damaged parts is possible that is why I am trying HGH.

It has never been tried so I am trying it on myself.

I hate big pharma and I believe next to Satan and the Republican party they are pretty bad.

HRT is a very effective therapy for many ailmnets but because hormones can’t be patented big Pharma can’t rip off consumers selling them and because big pharma controls the world’s medical research use of hormones is not getting the study it deserves.

I think if anyone relies on conventional medicine to help them with their LD they will be sadly disapointed with the results.

There are other meds that can help LD but the uninformed medical community have not been conned enough by the drug company salesman to know about this stuff or prescribe it.

Here are some Tacrine (THA, Cognex) donepezil (Aricept) Then there are the MAO-B inhibitorsSelegiline/deprenyl (Eldepril)

For memory there is Ergoloid meselate (Hydergine)

I bet most of you have never heard of these meds. Well neither has your doctor but perhaps if you ask him for a script he will write one for these drugs and you can give em a try. They are realively safe.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/24/2004 - 6:05 AM


[quote=”cameron34”]Human Growth Hormone :?: :? to try to ‘fix’ your LD??[/quote]

Oh yeah, I’m gonna try it. If ther is one thing that I have learned in my quest to improve my brain and that is that doctors are full of sch*t up to their ears.

Much of what they know is wrong. I am not convinced that the actual physical condition of the brain can’t be remediated. I am familiar with some of what is done for for brian injury and most of the time it is too little too late.

I think I can improve the overall condition of my brain. Doctors are still giving out misinformation with great authority.

Being that the brain is comprised mainly of protien and fat I am thinking that repairing damaged parts is possible that is why I am trying HGH.

It has never been tried so I am trying it on myself.

I hate big pharma and I believe next to Satan and the Republican party they are pretty bad.

HRT is a very effective therapy for many ailmnets but because hormones can’t be patented big Pharma can’t rip off consumers selling them and because big pharma controls the world’s medical research use of hormones is not getting the study it deserves.

I think if anyone relies on conventional medicine to help them with their LD they will be sadly disapointed with the results.

There are other meds that can help LD but the uninformed medical community have not been conned enough by the drug company salesman to know about this stuff or prescribe it.

Here are some Tacrine (THA, Cognex) donepezil (Aricept) Then there are the MAO-B inhibitorsSelegiline/deprenyl (Eldepril)

For memory there is Ergoloid meselate (Hydergine)

I bet most of you have never heard of these meds. Well neither has your doctor but perhaps if you ask him for a script he will write one for these drugs and you can give em a try. They are realively safe.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/24/2004 - 8:55 PM


The reason why most general doctors, psycologists, and educators know nothing about the true causes LD is because the brain was pretty much a black box (not understood at all) just 30 years ago (when many of these folks were in school). Almost all of our knowledge of the brain is from the last 30 years. This is because of the invention of new imaging technologies like PET, MRI, and fMRI that allow doctors to actually image the metabolism of the brain as it works.

In the past, you were only diagnosed with brain damage if you had some major lesions in the brain, often resulting in severe conditions like cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and major neurlogical dysfunctions. Now it turns out that you can suffer impaired metabolism in certain areas of the brain (areas don’t work as efficiently) without any major signs of brain damge.

Oxygen deprivation at birth or in infancy is probly a large contributer to this. Think of the huge link between premature births and learning disabilities. It’s true, many premies have problems with LD and ADHD latter on in life. This is probably largely due to the fact they have underdeveloped lungs and suffer what is called hypoxia or partial oxygen deprivation. This damages areas in the brain such as the hippocampus, thalamus, striatum, cerebellum, and sensorary nuclei in the brainstem. Damage in these areas would probably result in conditions such as: Dyslexia (damage to cerebellum), ADHD (damage to striatum), memory problems (striatum and hippocampus), and CAPD (thalamus and sensorary nuclei in the brainstem). Even conditions such as autism and major mental illnesses such as bipolar and schizophrenia have been linked to damage in these areas.

On the brighter side, the brain is very adaptable and can compensate for damage if it is not severe or widespread. Just think of people who are born blind and who develop keener hearing to compensate. Same goes for learning disabilities. You lose the ability to learn in a certain way but gain strengths in other areas.

And maybe some day they will be able to repair the brain directly. Scientist once thought nerve cells couldn’t regenerate, but now they are finding they can, under the right circumstances. The hippocampus, for instance, shrinks in response to stress, but increases in size in the presence of Brain-dervided Neurotrophic Factor. This is naturally produced by the body when you exercise over a long period of time. This is possibly one of the reasons exercise reduces stress and depression since the hippocampus also is involved in regulating our emotions in addition to helping with the formation and recall of memories.

So yeah, I believe you can partially fix what’s wrong. Or you can at least learn how to work around your disabilities. I’m personally trying mediation to improve my concentration. I also run a lot, which seems to improve my mental functioning.

BTW, sorry for the long post.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/25/2004 - 12:21 AM


Very informative!

I agree in part about the 30 year lag in scientific information but even before that Alfred Luria was discovering thing that the medical community still is turning a blind to.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/25/2004 - 4:59 AM


Very informative, articulant message…I was born oxygen defienct at birth. I know this has something to due with my LD/ADD…boy has it caused me frustration throughout the years.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/25/2004 - 7:30 PM


[quote=”cameron34”]Very informative, articulant message…I was born oxygen defienct at birth. I know this has something to due with my LD/ADD…boy has it caused me frustration throughout the years.[/quote]

Have you found any help?

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/27/2004 - 2:03 AM


don’t think so! the people I have seen are just as messed up as me! I know more about ADD/LD than they do! I do know, I go from job to job…guit jobs, that are too long(I hate working a lot of hours at jobs I don’t really like)…I have had tons of relationship problems/mistakes….anyone have any ideas for someone living in Sacramento, CA????? I have found that by studying Buddhism that has helped be a great deal.

Submitted by jaggedsphere on Fri, 02/27/2004 - 2:07 AM


if you can find a REAL Zen Monestary go check ‘em out. practicing zen really helped me alot not enough though…check out

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/27/2004 - 7:07 AM


[quote=”cameron34”]don’t think so! the people I have seen are just as messed up as me! I know more about ADD/LD than they do! I do know, I go from job to job…guit jobs, that are too long(I hate working a lot of hours at jobs I don’t really like)…I have had tons of relationship problems/mistakes….anyone have any ideas for someone living in Sacramento, CA????? I have found that by studying Buddhism that has helped be a great deal.[/quote]

I have a good relationship because I am with a very good person. In the past I hooked up with some real lousy people who now I realize were not worthy of me.

I set my standards really high as far as women were concerned. I wasn’t concerned about trying to meet their expectations. I was concerned about them meeting my standards.

I got a great deal of confidence turning down the type of female who thinks she is god’s gift.

Cameron, I would suggest you land a couple of married women. You know the type with a big diamond and a rich husband. It’s a lot of fun conquering those types and whan the right one comes along you’ll have something to compare it to.

I would suggest that you go to a gym and get really buffed and hook up with a sugar mama. I had a chance to join a troop like Chippendale’s about 8 years ago but I declined. Sometimes I wished I had done it for a while.

I’m a laborer but I have other interests. I think jobs and carreers are not what they are cracked up to be. Work like a man and you will be a man. Land as many honeys as you can. Have a lot of friends and hobbies. Drink good wine. Smoke good dope. Don’t think to much. Be happy.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 02/28/2004 - 2:53 AM


ahhhh, nice message(a dose of sarcasm)…BTW, I have been with enough woman. I DON’T need to hook up with a married lady(I assume you were trying to be funny here, at least I hope so). Also, I am a buffed guy(at 35) and that doesn’t mean $hit! no one cares about your body(the woman who do, are the ‘crazy’ ones anyway)…Join Chippendale’s! tell me you are just having a good time with me? nice advice! not!

Can someone who has some real LIFE idea’s chime in?

Submitted by bgb on Sat, 02/28/2004 - 4:04 PM



I love your sense of humor!

I don’t doubt for a minute that you know more about ADD/LD than the experts you have seen. Its a sad, but common, state of affairs.

Your comment about Buddhism and jaggedsphere’s about Zen was very interesting to me as I know next to nothing about either of these. Could either of you explain further?

(If you are gonna stick around for a while, I suggest you register to “save” your user name…we have had…problems…with trolls signing on under other guest’s name and making…questionable comments.)

Take care

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 02/28/2004 - 4:57 PM


Hi. This is Joe Tag.

I started piano, and then switched over to Bassoon (Bass double-reed
instrument ( ) ) because seeing and reading
both clefs ( treble and bass ) in sheet music was too much.

I can read sheet music – bass clef. ( Bassoon, Trombone, Cello ) music.
Also, the fingerging of music for piano, was too much for coping with
the printed page of music.

The other evening, I did not process fast-enough, that this one young
professor in our department was that; an Adjunct Professor.
I forgot his situtation wiht us. :oops: . I let him use the
secretary’s computer for MS-Word. I did not offer, first, the secretary’s
computer when he asked to use another computer ( a full-time professor). Basically, I didn’t quickly clarify the rules and offer quick
solution, courtesy, fast enough. I called the guy (professor) later on the
phone, on Friday, and apologized on his answering machine.
I was too focused.

I think, for memory, taking notes and writing reminders to yourself
might work. I need to do this for me, more often. This includes making
“To Do” lists.

For mediation, picture the rainbow, the colors—in order to a three-count:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet; then count down
12–-1 ( I picture being in an glass elevator, in a beautiful hotel lobby,
with tropical plants and flowers there ).

/signed/ Joe Tag,Jr.

– end –

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 4:41 AM



I read the post that you responded to. I took something interesting away from it. As an LDer myself I feel like life is unequitable if not unfair. It seems that we are expected to play by the rules but if you really think about the people who prosper never really adhere to rules.

I have developed a very dim view of people in general and contempt for anyone making 100K+ a year. I have been treated like crap by by those people who are “experts” in LD. So keeping with the idea that respect is learned and charity begins at home. I am beginning to look at the haves as prey.

I have found that the Golden Rule really means, the guy with the gold rules and is not required to follow any rules.

Through no fault of my own I have the LD curse. In my mind the Ten Commandments do not apply to me until I am given some mercy and fairness. Until then the blessed are fair game.

I think about the Movie the Passion of the Christ and from what I heard it is two hours of Jesus getting his ass kicked. I’m afraid if I go I will stand up and cheer and then all the good Christians will kick my ass.

I have looked at my situation from a practical point of view and I have determined that I am SOL. I know take a more philosphical view and I think being beaten for 2 hrs and nailed to a cross to die pales in comparison to a life with LD. Most people die worse deaths than that.

The same people who get all misty over that movie drivel are the same type that will spit on us LDers.

I feel like having lable tattooed to my head that says Defective manufactured by God.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 10:32 AM


Spare Part,

if they beat you up sue them and press charges for assault. I plan on laughing during the crucification myself. Of course though I’m rich, so I can afford to get all technical about it and screw up their lives.

Here’s a few nice quotes:

“Why do you write to me “God should punish the English”? I have no close connection to either one or the other. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him.”
Letter to Edgar Meyer colleague January 2, 1915 Contributed by Robert Schulmann; also see CPAE Vol. 8 (forthcoming).

“God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.”
Henry Louis “H.L.” Mencken, American editor and critic (1880-1956).

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 5:42 PM


Giving into anger is always a mistake. Instead of focusing on what other people have, focus on what goals you have, and then go out and achieve those. I used to always be resentful of the “normals”, but then I realized many of them have their own dificulties. And then there are those countless people that truly have messed up lives (think of people living in war torn nations or victims of horrible crimes). Of course, you always have to look out for yourself. You should never let others push you around.

Another point: never feel sorry for yourself. That is a one way street to depression and victimhood. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Instead of feeling like victim, focus on the future and things you can do and like to do. As an example, when I was in my early 20s I was severely depressed (probably clinically depressed). I got in with a bad group and ended up with a DUI. I felt like killing myself. Then I started running again, which I had given up in college. Running gave me something to focus on day to day, and goals to build towards. I ended up running my first marathon that year. I didn’t do this by looking at all the great things other people had, but by just focusing on what I knew I had to do for myself.

BTW, I saw the Passion and I cried through the entire thing. I am not a Christian (I don’t buy the supernatural elements), so it’s not based on some religious feelings. Rather, I was horrified to see yet another example of how people can be so cruel to each other. It also put my own difficulties into perspective. Believe me, if you see the movie you will know how horrible life can be to some people. It was not a pretty movie by any means.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 5:54 PM


Hello Barb. Thanks for the kind words…To answer your question about Buddhism. I have been reading about Buddhism for about 6 years now. Its very intersting philosophy about life(I don’t consider it a ‘real’ religion). I would suggest getting some basic buddhist books(go ot Borders or Barnes in Noble) and just do some reading. This is how I got started. I think if more people were into buddhism(BUSH!!!!!!) the world would be a lot more peaceful place to live.

PS- The internet is also a great place to start. Do a search for Buddhist information and you will find plenty of reading.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 7:49 PM



With all due respect, who cares if you ran for a ‘marathon’? That isn’t a very great accomplishment. Furthermore, I don’t see anything that cruel about Jesus’ supposed crucifixion; supposedly he was a terrorist, so the Emperor did to him what they did to all terrorists back then and nailed him up to a pole.


Of course Buddhism isn’t a religion. Religion is the bond between man and deity; Buddhists don’t worship any God(s). As far as philosophy is concerned I’d advocate Socrates and Plato. In order to read about Socrates however you’ll have to buy the Plato Dialogues.

Jesus Christ
The Prince of Peace
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother…
— Matthew 10:34-35 (AV)

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
— Exodus 20:17 (AV), The Tenth Commandment

Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
— I Corinthians 14:34-35 (NIV)

If a man [meets] a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her … He must marry the girl … He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
— Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (NIV)

“Have you allowed all the women to live?” he [Moses] asked them…. “Now … kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”
— Numbers 31:1-18 (NIV)

God did tempt Abraham, … And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest … and offer him there for a burnt offering…
— Genesis 22:1-2 (AV)

… all who are under the yoke of slavery … who have believing masters … must serve all the better since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties. If any one teaches otherwise … he is puffed up with conceit, he knows nothing; he has a morbid craving for controversy…, which produce envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions, and wrangling among men who are depraved in mind…
— I Timothy 6:1-5 (RSV)

The Fig Tree Enigma
The next day…, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” … In the morning…, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter … said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree … has withered!”
— Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 (NIV)

Points to remember
Jesus was hungry.
He looked for figs on a tree.
But it was not fig season.

Questions to ponder
If it wasn’t fig season, why would even a moron look for figs?
Is killing a tree for not bearing fruit out of season a reasonable response by any standard?
Matthew 21:18-21 (written after and based upon Mark) says it withered at once. Mark says they saw it the next day and then marveled. Something’s terribly wrong, here. Was Matthew possibly dissatisfied with a Jesus who’d take an entire day to wither a damned fig tree?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 8:42 PM


Misanthropist, I like your style. I do howver think that God exists but I guess that would depend on how one defines existence.

God derives his power from the suffering of his “children”

I wouldn’t laugh so much at the plight of Jesus as much as I would laugh at the lemmings who follow his sadistic father.

They say that the God of the old Testament was cruel and vengeful and they are correct. They say the god of the New Testament is just the opposite and they are correct. He is vengeful and cruel.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 12:33 AM


Check this out:

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 12:14 PM


I’ve been there before. Check this out:

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 6:59 PM


Wow, some odd people on here, that’s for sure! :? I think the religion topic is not so good on a forum on the interent…everyone has there opinions, belief’s, etc…lets stick to LD issues, and the problems you face, might face, what works for you, what doesn’t, etc…

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 8:28 PM


Misanthropist, no one ever said that running a marathon is a great accomplishment. My point was that it was a goal to work towards. One problem some people have is they set their goals too high.

Also, on the point of Jesus. You can quote whatever you want out of a set of works that were written over a 1,000 year period by many different hands and which were translations form mutliple versions of the originals. But to laugh at someone being horribly tortured and killed, someone who is not noted as having been a terrorist (one who uses violence against civilians), is insane. You may or may not be a believer (I’m actually not), but anyone who would laugh at the misfortune of another person like that isn’t any kind of person I would respect. You can feel sorry for yourself or you can do something with your life. It’s your choice.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 9:22 PM



Surely anyone with an IQ above room temperature can figure out words generally have more than one meaning, and has the ability to separate fact from opinion. There are more definitions for the word ‘terrorist’, such as: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Now that hopefully we’ve all conceded I’m right let’s move on. I could say one of my goals is waking up in the morning and starting the day, but I’d think that wouldn’t be appropriate to put on here and I doubt anyone would care. Furthermore, you could think it means I’m ‘insane’ for laughing at someone who’s been convicted of terrorism; that’s fine. You’re entitled to your opinion; however, it’s not a fact.

As far as me feeling sorry for myself, I’d say it’s more of a self-loathing, but I do have goals, such as going to college after I’ve finally graduated from HS.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 11:02 PM


Misanthropist, now that it comes out your in HS, I can understand where you’re coming from. I was pretty much like you when I was in HS and probably through college and most of my early 20s. You sound like you’ve got the intelligence to make something out of yourself with or without LD. Hang in there. Life gets better.

Also, if you look at what little non-religious scholarship there is on life of Jesus, you will see that he was far from being a terrorist by whatever definition you use. In fact, we really can’t trust everything that is quoted as coming from his mouth. The early Christian church most likely made up a bunch of stuff. I won’t argue, though, that their have been Christians through out history that would be considered terrorists by most definitions. Sadly, there are still many Christians like this (ie the extremist fundamentalists). You know, the ones that blow up abortion clinics and such.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 11:34 PM


The fact of the matter is I’m right about this. I don’t care what other people think, unless they can prove that every terrorist threat Jesus Christ made in the New Testament is incorrect and show that he wasn’t actually convicted of terrorism.

This is why I generally don’t associate with ‘normal folk’; they lack the prowess to figure out things like this.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 12:23 AM


Misanthropist, I won’t argue with you about you views. If you go see the movie the Passion of Christ, though, you will see that at least in that movie he is not portrayed as a terrorist. There is a lot of Catholic dogma in there, though. The scourging scene is pretty brutal no matter what your views are. Not even a terroist should be subjected to that. That’s why we have a bill of rights in this country that among other things forbides the use of torture no matter how guilty a person is.

I understand where you’re coming from, though. When I was a kid, my parents sent my brother and I to this Baptist Sunday school. I lasted about a week, I think. I just couldn’t buy all the nonsense they were telling me about people coming back from the dead and such. I still don’t believe in any of that supernatural nonsense.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 1:10 AM


If you look at the entire story you will see that is was much to do about nothing.

Almighty God gave his only begotten son. What a load of crap! Almighty God can have as many begotten sons as he wants. After all he is Almighty God.

Then in the end, Almighty God sends Jesus who also is God to hell for three days after getting a butt kicking here on Earth. Then he gets his only begotten son back. So it doesn’t look like much of a sacrfice to me.

Almighy God just blew his wad and let it fly out with a pigeon.
The heavely host and the ghost with the most profits from religion.

Now Almighty god has a marketing squad selling a product they call christianity.
Where you love the one who killed his only son and predent that that is not insanity.

The one of great love smiles from above at the rich man that he’ll never hinder.
But in he good book if you take a good look it says the meek shall inherit a cinder.

There is a force mightier than god.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 1:39 AM


If you’re trying to make sense out of all the mumbojumbo that is Catholicism, you’re just going to end up with a big headache. My theory is that Christianity is actually a pagan mystery cult that coopted Jesus, who was most likely killed because he was a famous jewish religious leader who preached something different from what the Pharisees preached. Namely: “Let’s all be friends and not rebell against the Romans. Oh, and by the way, you don’t need the priesthood to get in touch with God, since we are all his children.” Many scholars even debate that such mainstays of Christianity as the last supper took place. Jesus was probably most likely captured after the whole temple incident with the money changers. But I digress.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 4:49 PM


why don’t you two PM EACH OTHER! this stuff is WAAAAAAY to deep to be brought up on a LEARNING DISABILITY FORUM! :? you don’t need to be voicing your opinion on religious type topics on any type of forum(unless it is geared toward religion).. like I said before, some strange people out there.. :?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 6:57 PM


hehehe. Sometimes I get a little side tracked. What was the original topic again? ;)

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2004 - 10:31 PM



My head’s not that level. It’s usually tilted slightly to the side while I squint at people, trying to figure out what the *censored* is wrong with them..


Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/05/2004 - 8:48 AM


God is such a eff you see Kay.

“If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods … thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people … If thou shalt hear … Certain men … have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods … Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants ofthat city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword” (Deuteronomy13:6-15). “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection” (Koran 9:29).

Hey Cam did you blow a rod? :lol: That why you should never go any faster than 68 because if you do 69 you’ll end up blowing a rod :shock: :lol:

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/05/2004 - 7:55 PM


this is getting out of hand.. look, if you want to spew religious quotes, please go somewhere else! say maybe a religious message board!! if you have something to contribute about your personal LD/ADD problems, then by ALL means post a message! if not, please go back under your rock where you came from :x

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 03/06/2004 - 12:58 AM


[quote=”cameron34”]I have an LD temper![/quote]

Take a pill. Or ask God for strength.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/08/2004 - 10:44 PM


another weirdo :!: nice contribution, guest! nice to hear about your LD problems or strengths!

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/13/2004 - 3:15 AM


Jagged sphere,

I have been playing bass and keyboards for 20-something years, and I think I have LD (maybe. don’t know yet) anyway….

-Being the center of everyones attention to learn a lick at reharsal is bad enough. All eyes are focused on you. It sucks. If you aren’t familiar with the style, or it’s a quirky lick, it’s hard.

-Most musicans are assholes.

-There is an element of experience here, too. I recently had to learn a keyboard lick at Tuesdays rehearsal to play 5 days later on Sunday. The lead pianoist played it repeatedly (in front of everyone), and I eventually got it. Let me tell you the HARD part: I had to play this lick SOLO for the song’s introduction - no drumstick count off, no body else to hide behind. I played it a bit too fast, but at least it was with a steady rythym without bad notes. Plus, I didn’t practice between rehearsal and show time.

I am going to wager this is something that comes with time and experience, and being with the coolest bunch of band members helps, too.

- Don’t let the jerk-off’s get you down. You had a sucky practice, but it won’t matter latter anyway. If they are going to jump all over you for a lousy reheasal, I bet they aren’t worth much anyway, musically or personally.

By the way,could any of them learn a new lick on the spot and play it correctly forever?

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