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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am an adult professional in the substance abuse treatment field, who desperately needs to find someone who will provide me with dyslexia screening at a reasonable price. Any information or referrals would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for anyone who will take the time to respond to my request. I live in Chicago, Illinois.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/12/2002 - 2:00 AM


I don’t live in Ill. But I do know someone who does:-) Come to tonight at 9p EST,or Thurs.,or Sun. same time. The host lives in Ill. Very involved in resources for LD/ADHD,and lives with a special ed teacher who works at a Jr college. Between the two of them I am sure they would know:-) Also if you go to the site at any other time you can link to their email and she WILL write back garaunteed.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/12/2002 - 2:10 AM


If you can’t read well dispite trying really hard then you have dyslexia. If your working with drunks try hitting them with a 2x4. Drunks suck and are not worth your time. There are damn few true addict alcholics. Give these scunbags no sympathy cause all most of them will do is con you. You probably don’t buy the fact that alcholism is a choice. Genetic predisposition is a fallacy and an excuse for these pathetic losers. I have known mant drunks and they all suck. If you think there is a nice person under neath all the booze you are fooling yourself. I see the system coddling these con artists. What these low lifes need is to put on a pair of boxing gloves and step into the ring while I beat the crap out of them or put those sorry SOBs in boot camp and make their live a living hell so those drunk bastards will have clue of the pain that they have caused others. In fact the best thing to do would be just to shoot them.

There is a movement called sXe or Straight Edge who’s members beat the crap out of drunks and druggies. I think that would be a good place to start. Drunks are selfish bastards who need a boot in the ass and a fist in the face. If their live are so bad why don’t more of them commit suicide?

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