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anyone know any meds for ANXIOUS person?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/06/2003 - 6:03 AM


There are medications available for anxiety disorders—they are very often low doses (in my experiance) of certain anti-depressiants that, in some people, help prevent or blunt the effects of panic attacks. I took Zoloft for anxiety for a year or so—helped, but I didn’t respond very well in other ways unforunately. I did learn to cope with them without medication, though it took some effort. In other people I’ve known with anxiety disorders, the most effective treatments seem to be ones that combine medication and mental conditioning exercises (like relaxation techniques), so you might want to explore those avenues as well.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/06/2003 - 1:37 PM


do you think counseling would be good?
or a support group?
is there a way to shut off your mind from worrying and thought?
anyone out there have a fear of failing or letting your parents down if you do bad or not to what they think you can do like your potential

anyone out there say right before a test i am going fail anyways so don’t feel like studying or don’t see the point in studying?

anyone find they have problems telling there friends/or just people how they feel or telling them about there personal life?????

anyone feel so so stupid?

anyone out there that can’t sleep cuz too much to worrying about right before the test and after the test and at other times????

anyone feel like there’s no hope for them in school and its hard to get A”S and b”S on tests cause you usually get C”S or lower and then feel like an IDIOT or dumbass or stupidity ????

i think that’s enough right now
and thanks for your post

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