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At home tutorial program for someone with visual/auditory...

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

processing deficits..

That would be me and I want to know if there are any tutorial programs for people with these deficits. What tutorial instruction material is available, and where can I get it.

Submitted by Sue on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 2:06 AM


Hmmm…. let me ponder…

I’m sure there are things people would sell you - but that doesn’t mean they would help :-(

But… how about some games - there’s one I think called “SET” (I’ll have to scope out old emails) — that really works on the visual processing. I find it a wicked challenge… but it’s *great* for kids who are good with visual logic and aren’t used to winning … and more importantly, I am 90% sure it’s set up so you could just *practice* and not have to have somebody to play with. (Or Google “visual spatial” and see what the signs are that somebody is gifted in that… stuff like jigsaw puzzles… and go from there.)

Submitted by Beth from FL on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 3:22 PM


There is another called Rush Hour that might be helpful. There are visual thinking cards by Dale Seymour and a book called Building Thinking Skills that is spatial in orientation. ETA Cuiisenaire has something called Pattern Block Frames (you also need the pattern blocks) that work on spatial skills too.

For auditory skills you might try Earobics or The Listening Program which is a at home sound therapy program. \


Submitted by victoria on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 5:25 PM


As a general rule of thumb, good teaching methods are good teaching methods. An experienced teacher will have many visual/auditory techniques already incorporated in presentations, and can extend and repeat these approaches to help a student with difficulty. If you can find an experienced tutor who is used to adapting things to individual students, that can often be better than buying into a fixed program.

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