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hyperfocusing and splitting focus

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I was just reading the thread on ADHD and reading in which people spoke of being able to hyperfocus, when interested, for long periods of time.

What I wonder is whether others who hyperfocus have the same difficulty that I have in being aware of two things simultaneously. For example, when I was a teacher, I could either focus on my plan or on the children. I couldn’t seem to focus on both. If I focused on the children, I would have difficulty going according to the plan. If I focused on the plan, I’d lose touch with the children.
(At that time, I was dealing with very small groups of special education students.)

I recently told a friend who has three small children that I couldn’t babysit for the two youngest at the same time. I feared that I would focus on one, and forget the other, who might get into something dangerous. (The two youngest are one and two and a half.)

Another example is when I’m in a conversation and paying full attention to what the other person is saying. If something comes to mind that I want to say, I can’t hold it in mind and still listen. Thus, I’ll often interrupt.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 1:35 AM


Sounds very familiar to me. I get stressed out when too much is going on at once. Everybody has to leave the kitchen when I cook. If too much is going on, I am afraid I will forget something.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 5:34 AM


Yeah, i interrupt a lot of my friends when they are talking, i can’t hold it, so sometimes they don’t like me or just ignore me.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/21/2003 - 3:56 PM


I have the same difficulty too. But I’ve adapted somewhat to it. When i was little my mother gave me all the books I wanted and encouraged my reading, and I grew up reading alot. But because I’d hyperfocus on the book, the book was all that existed while I was reading. I suppose I was lucky that I adapted when I was little, because I doubt if I could have adopted this skill as an adult. When I’m reading, I don’t hear anything, don’t recognize anything said. But when I hear my name, I either come out of this fantasy world quickly, or (this is hard to explain) the “answering machine” in my head remembers. Often when the latter happens, I’ll come out of my hyperfocusing later and be disoriented for a few seconds, then remember what it was that was said, much like an answering machine.

When I’m absorbed in a conversation, the mental forgetfulness you mentioned about forgetting what I was going to say is very very common for me. So much so it doesn’t bother me anymore… usually by the time it’s my turn to say what it is I’ve forgotten, I have a another idea in mind. It’s odd, but I go into mental overdrive and usually only get out one of 3-5 responses I think of.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/23/2003 - 2:04 PM


This sounds so familiar to me. My son is ADHD and11yrs. He absolutely has the hardest time not interrupting. He says the same thing you did-He forgets! I’m glad I can hear this from some adults that have ADHD. It is hard to put up with sometimes and this makes me realize that he really can’t help it. Thanks, Jan

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 05/24/2003 - 12:57 AM


i feel like im reading my diary, i am 25 yrs old and a mother of 2, 4yrs and 17 months. ever since i was young my mother would yell at me because i would hyperfocus on the tv or a book or the radio… i still do it to this day. it used to scare for a while till i learned how to tone it down. i asumed it was because my family is deaf, and i was toning out the noise.
i used to think i was stupid in high school, till i went to college and took a class that i excelled in, but everything else seems to slip my grasp. im having such a problem with conversations and never knew i was adhd. i should have realized because my brother is. i still cant focus on a thought or task no matter how hard i try.

any advice?


Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 06/01/2003 - 2:30 AM


I am sooo aware of hyperfocusing, as a teacher I sit and grade papers at night sitting on my couch for 2 -3 hours and then when I have to get up I am in severe physcial pain and can barely walk due to arthritic stiff joints.
At school, when I am teaching, I can’t get anything else done (or just go in circles) when my students are working independently. By the end of the day when all my students (7th graders - I teach science) are exhibiting ADD or ADHD symptoms along with me, somedays it just feels like insanity. I tell the kids about my diagnosis and we all laugh about it somedays and other days I lose it and try to force them to work quietly but it just doesn’t work!
I feel like I’m in the wrong profession (not to mention the fact that I can’t keep up with all the paperwork in teaching!), but I do like the fact that my job is never boring in the classroom with 25 - 7th graders!

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