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Is it difficult to find good paying jobs?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


My name is Keshia M. Pryor and I am curious of how adults with learning diabilities deal with the work force.

Is it difficult to find jobs?

Do you find it difficult to do your job properly?

Are there any special techiques you use to get you organized?

Did you find your job traning to be difficult?

Is there any discrimination against adults with learning disabilities in the workplace?

Thank for your time

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/06/2003 - 1:52 AM


[quote=”ronnie”]It isn’t easy for me to learn a new task at work
I feel ackward and need alot of help sometimes[/quote]

If you don’t mind me asking, Where do you work?


Submitted by Catnipmouse on Wed, 12/17/2003 - 9:51 PM


Hi Keshia -

It is possible to find a good job with LD. I have non-attentive ADD and LD specific to memory and details.
I currently hold a job as a sub-prime mortgage underwriter. I went back to school about 2 years ago, to build my skill level and make more money.
Here are some things I have learned along the way:
1) take care of your physical health and make sure you get enough sleep
2) Organize your tasks (if you can) to do the newest-learned or the most demanding ones in the MORNING. My batteries run down just before lunch and just before I go home in the evening, and I am not as good at the same things.
3) Don’t procrastinate/stay organized - the 11th hour stress your cube-mate may find exhilirating is not for you
4) Ask for help, or clarification when you are lost on a task - even if it means you need to burn a 15 minute break to get time with your supervisor - then WRITE it down, and re-copy your notes for reinforcement. Wrote memorization is your friend.
5) Come in earlier than your workmates and organize yourself for the day while it’s still quiet - this also looks good to supervisors that you are not a straggler or an attendance problem.
6) Have a sense of humor and humility about mistakes. Normal people make them all the time. LD people make the same ones over and over again, and it makes all the difference if you sincerely project that you want to improve. I have 2 supervisors that are happy to spot check my work on a “pop” suprise basis, and the info I’ve gotten form both has been invaluable.
The hints above are off the top of my head. If I think of others, I’ll add them

Good luck and god bless!

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