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LD and MCS

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have always had LD but they seem to be getting worse sence I now have MCS. Some scents can make me forget what I am doing or I turn my numbers around. Some times I even come up with numbers that are not even related to what is in front of me.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 10/20/2002 - 3:10 PM


my husband and I have both had lots of experience with these symptoms…my husband’s tend more toward dyslexia when exposed to cigarrette smoke and gas fumes, and I end up with “fuzzy brain” when exposed to pesticides, perfumes, malls (LOTS of formaldehyde), gas fumes, plug-ins, etc.

If you’d like to discuss MCS is more depth as relates to LD, please write!

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