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Nutrition and ADD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Don’t feed your kids junk. If it’s not fresh meat, fruit, grains vegetables. We have an epidemic of ADD ADHD ODD and way too many kids on Ritalin in the past 20 years. Is there a correlation to that and our food supply? Feed Your Kids Right was a book written by Dr. Lendin Smith many years ago but it’s still valid today. You won’t put crappy fuel in your car. Why put crappy food in your kids?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/13/2002 - 11:58 PM


This is so amazing. just today I was cleaning out through some old stuff of my moms and came across a book by Dr. Lendon Smith Foods for healthy kids. I guess it’s not the same book. This book was written after Feed your kids right. The book I have has all kinds of recipes, and good advice. It’s worth looking for. I for one do not feed my kids processed food. So they are not giants and over sized they are just normal size because they do not get all the growth hormones that are added to our foods. We should all be concerned with what goes into our childrens bodies. It effects their mental and physical well being.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/17/2002 - 8:21 PM


No one really knows the cause of ADD. Could it be related to childhood ear infections that are so prevailent today? It is believed that this ear infection epidemic is diet related. There was a book called Dyslexia The answer to the Riddle, in it the author maintained that inner ear problems caused cerebral-vestibular dysfunction, thus the ear infection connection. He prescibed Benadryl and Meclazine (motion sickness meds) and claims great success. I just think parents should exhaust all other options before putting their kids on drugs. The school nurse wiil tell you there are a heck of a lot of kids on Ritalin.(poor man’s cocaine) I also think too much pressure is put on kids to achieve.Let kids be kids. Provide them a clean healthy enviroment and food supply and chances are they will thrive. What people feed their dogs is healthier than what they feed their kids. I bet if you put monkeys on a a typical kids diet they’d develop alot of problems like ADD ADHD ODD ect…Does anyone Know the incidence of ADD ADHD in Aisian countries. At my school the Asian students from overseas are slim physically fit and smart as hell. They say fish is brain food (the HLA in fish) maybe ther’s a connection.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/16/2002 - 11:35 PM


You’re right: nutrition is very, very important for overall good health. A whole foods, additive-free, balanced nutrition approach (~ the government Food Pyramid) is often a good way to better overall health. Often a good juicing machine or a good blender can help a person meet their basic nutritional needs easily for fresh, whole foods - daily requirements; however, ADHD is known in the year 2002 unfortunately not to be a nutritional deficiency disease.

The idea of good overall health is quite different than the classic neurological challenge known as ADHD or attention deficit which is as real as epilepsy or Tourette’s. It is dangerous to suggest that all of ADHD is only due to and can be completely cured with nutrition - misinformation which can waste a lot of time, money, and miseducation.

All those concerned about classic neurological ADHD - attentional difficulties - have the right to know that the single classification of medicines most closely associated with the temporary reduction of ADHD symptoms is the central nervous system stimulants/alerting agents. Perhaps the weakest stimulant is coffee/caffeine compounds; perhaps the strongest is Adderall. The ADHD meds do not work for everyone unfortunately.

People should not be taught large fibs, that is, people should not be taught untruths and falsehoods that all of epilepsy or all of Tourette’s or all of ADHD is all due to some sort of mysterious lack of some mysterious vitamin, mineral, or trace element because that is not what classic ADHD actually is.

That’s my view. Sorry if it may offend some readers but people must be protected from incorrect nutritional information about ADHD, that is, saying that all of ADHD is some sort of nutritional deficiency disease (which classic ADHD is not). Saying that all of ADHD is some sort of nutritional deficiency disease is simply a fib and exactly equal to saying the earth is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth. That’s my opinion.

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