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Punished for being me.

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I’ve struggled since way back,as a child,Im over 40 now.My eldest son also a.d.h.d.We are best friends.Society has ‘claims on the “norm“ ‘Ive long felt punished for no reason at all.Work,social events and even an interview would make me feel threatened.I wonder how many others feel the same way,yet still try to get through each day like robots?

Submitted by Testaclese on Sat, 04/28/2007 - 2:59 AM


[quote=Vik]I’ve struggled since way back,as a child,Im over 40 now.My eldest son also a.d.h.d.We are best friends.Society has ‘claims on the “norm“ ‘Ive long felt punished for no reason at all.Work,social events and even an interview would make me feel threatened.I wonder how many others feel the same way,yet still try to get through each day like robots?[/quote]

I often feel like you do. I feel punished, misunderstood, marginalized and discounted.

When one has been crapped upon all their lives you probably feel like you are being crapped on even when you are not.

Vik most of us feel the way you do. I feel defective.

Submitted by nerang on Mon, 05/28/2007 - 6:16 AM


Hi there, you know i feel like you do alot. I think everybody with LD does. Sometimes it feels like were not even there.
The only time I feel validated is when I’m talking to someone who is in the same situation. Then I feel some what understood.I’ve been trying to find a LD support group in our area but to know avail.

You might try this web service called Meetup. It’s comprised of hundreds of people who enjoy different aspects of life. They might have a LD group meeting in your area. If not they will show you how to start one.

Submitted by Sacred Journey on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 2:08 AM


All of your posts resonate deeply with me. Like most others with such difficulties, I understand entirely. I have not had the opportunity to experience success in anything due to my disabilities, and it is an overwhelmingly disheartening situation. I hope that we can gain the tools to live better, more productive lives and experience the encouragement and understanding needed from the outside world. If ever I get to a more normal and fruitful place in my life, I will certainly try and contribute to that.

Submitted by Testaclese on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 7:37 PM


[quote=Sacred Journey]All of your posts resonate deeply with me. Like most others with such difficulties, I understand entirely. I have not had the opportunity to experience success in anything due to my disabilities, and it is an overwhelmingly disheartening situation. I hope that we can gain the tools to live better, more productive lives and experience the encouragement and understanding needed from the outside world. If ever I get to a more normal and fruitful place in my life, I will certainly try and contribute to that.[/quote]

I got a double whammy. I knew that there was no help or accomodation so I worked as a laborer. Then I injured my back and now I have spinal stenosis.

Submitted by Mandi on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:35 AM


I feel it too. And you know, once they punished african americans for being african american. They did the same to women…. And now they do it to us. They do it, because we don’t fight back in a formatted way that is understandable to their minds. They do it, because they can. They do it, because we let them do it.

Womens sufferage and the movement in the 70s, ended the marginalizing of women. The civil rights movement, largely ended that of african americans. Though for neither of these groups has success happened over night. But they *acted* they *did* something. Because they felt mistreated. Punished for being ourselves, is unacceptable. I am not promoting violence, i am promoting somne kind of something…. a movement a format a platform, and a unification of those of us who suffer like this, to at the very least, make sure that next generation of those like us suffers less. Power is numbers. Roughly 15% of society is labled with LD. That number is growing as 1 in every 5 children is labled LD and medicated. This means, already we are a decent sized minority group. So why does no one talk about the votes of the LD? Why instead is the women’s vote important and the african american vote? Our diverse minority, is constantly growing in the usa… So why do we sit here, saying we feel marginalized when we have the numbers to change the situation? Obama is right, it is time for some changes…. Weather he is right for president… Well… my internal jury is still out… Dunno about the views of the rest of you. But if anyone is interested in creating something to somehow promote our needs to be seen as humans and that though we are different we are still human, we want all the same things as normal people do. Our minds may work differently but they still work…. We are valuable people with alot to offer. We have done nothing wrong. We must remind ourselves of that every single day. We must also remember in all things we have a choice, how we think of ourselves. No one can punish someone who refuses to be punished, no matter what cruelty they inflict upon them. The mind is free. We each have one. Don’t you think we owe it to the next generation, to make this path easier to tread? To do that, we must embrace our equality and our creativity, we must somehow, group together, and we must make it very clear, that like Martin Luther King and those involved with the civil rights movement we have a dream. For those coming next to not meet the same sort of cruelty and hostility from the world that we have.

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