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Sometimes I hate myself.

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

As an Adults with LD sometimes I hate myself I always feel sad about myself that I always think that I am weaker then anyone else around me and that people are better learner then I.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/18/2002 - 7:00 PM


I hear you. Just do your best and everybody else can have airenanutical intercourse with a rotating pastry.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/20/2002 - 12:01 AM



Just think of it this way ! What happened to you is the result of “those people”. When you are born you have no control of what happens…. How the doctor does the removal is up to them…. They can do a great job…. or a really sucky job. What ethnicity was the doc ? Young , old…. Think of it . Just try your best. Do not give up hope ! You show them they haven’t won.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/20/2002 - 3:55 AM



What does a doctor’s ethnicity have to do with anything? Don’t start any racist crap!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/21/2002 - 2:27 AM


Don’t worry wei: Figure this this way: you are better than those quack quack docs who brought you into this world. Maybe the doc got the degree in a foreign land…. 4 years gets you an M.D. Bachelor of medicine. The best doctors are Chinese or Korean. They seem to really be dedicated to their work. At least it is my opinion. Just keep trying hard and pray that you find your niche in life.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/24/2002 - 1:45 AM


Most teenagers go through a phase where they sincerely believe everybody is looking at them and criticizing them.It’s bogus.
Most people of all kinds spend at least some time believing everybody else has it together. My mother always said she was sure she was teetering on the edge of nonfunctional insanity, until she got to know enough other people in the world who really were.
You’ll never ever get into somebody else’s head much less enough other people to accurately measure whether you’re “behind” them all or not. So it is totally up to you whetehr or not you choose to wallow in the certainty that you are a loser. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/25/2002 - 4:54 PM


hi. i have been working with college students with learning disabilities for years, and i have found that student’s learning disabilities are not weaker, they are actually stronger. it may take some soul searching to find this strength within yourself, but keep searching, and believeing it is there, because it is!

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/23/2002 - 5:25 AM


I have also noticed that on some days I notice that I sensing and feeling a self loathing about myself in everyway. If I catch it in the right frame of mind, I will realize that my current situations is overwhelming, such as, I have too much work to do and not enough time to do it. Or, I will be feeling guilty that I have not excercised this week or ate food that was not worthy of the respect of my body. What ever it is that is making me hate myself, I need to acknowledge it and forgive myself, that I have chosen this victum/uneffective method of trying to solve my problem. What has helpped me tremendously, is that I have become indenified with my inner child, who need guidance, and good directions, and good people to share my delima’s,concerns, and problems with. I have found with help, I am been able to crawl out of the hole. I’, also learning that my attitude has a far greater impact on how things work out- Then I will ever understand. Choose self-love. not hatred…..Claire

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/03/2003 - 6:15 PM


Try not to feel too bad about it, cause there are others who may be in the same boat as you. I am really struggling myself. I am back in school at a Community Colleg, and having problems with math and simply keeping up because it seems that my brain doesn’t keep up with what a person is saying sometimes. Sometimes, I don’t feel good about myself eithe. Hang In There!

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