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Strattera Success

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I’ve been taking Strattera 80 mg a day for the past 3 months. I break the doses into two, a few hours apart with no side effects. I have trouble remembering the second dose (which I need in order to remember anything at all!)…got into trouble as I forgot for several days and my blood levels of Strattera dropped. The most noticeable symptom was waking up obsessing over some work detail several mornings in a row. Once I got back on a steady dosage, I awoke calmly. I think this drug has been amazingly effective.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/19/2003 - 5:41 AM


my son is on adderall time release at 8yr old. he has been having a tight little attitude lately. i mean he is irritable and easily upset. he has severe a.d.h.d. and moderate autism. he takes 20mg a day and sometimes i give him his sisters 30mg. i noticed this attitude thing more and more and so did his school. so i took his meds for 3 days and now i am the same way! i want to bite someones head off and i keep grinding my teeth! and i cant get to sleep! ugh! so i wanted to know more about this strattera if you wouldnt mind! and im wondering if his doc will give me a hard time about switching it. please tell me all you can. any side effects? i appriciate it! shannon [email protected]

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/19/2003 - 1:47 PM


There was a wonderful post by rebelmom on the Parenting ADD board at this website all about Straterra. It was very comprehensive and well written. It wasn’t that long ago so it’s likely you can still find it. My son and I are both using it with excellent results. My son’s pediatrician suggested the change and my neurologist is in the process of getting the work out to his patients about Straterra. My doctor was telling me that the success rate with it was pretty good. I prefer it to Adderall XR and my son is alot better than he was on Adderall (not XR, he couldn’t use XR at all).

Good luck to you

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/29/2003 - 11:24 AM


Honestly, I keep reading about this Stattera, and I’m not sure I want to change. I keep weighing the positives and negatives. (Paralysis of analysis).

1) She’s doing well on 27 mg of Concerta. No weight loss, no mood swings, and only takes it during the school year and when doing tutoring);

2) However the “meth” bothers me, although I don’t see any signs of it bothering her.

3) The Strattera hasn’t been “out” that long and I am uneasy about trying something “new”. (No, I haven’t done any real “homework” on it - only know it’s a fairly new med).

4) My theory is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

Any advice? Would appreciate feedback on whether you would change meds on a child who is currently successful as she stands?

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