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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

After reading all these threads I dont see the point of living any more. I was going to wait till an adult to see how I would turn out, but after reading all these depressing threads I think I have a pretty good idea of what will become of me. My parents thought I had mental lag so they didnt work with me in school thinking it would all go away, but it didnt and now its starting to effect my life, the way I look, and some of my talents in school and miscellaneous that I once had. I dont enjoy being around people or any of the things that I once enjoyed to do, like: playing chess, reading, talking with other people on the net, and hanging out with friends that I once had untill I disowned all of them because of my insurcurities which are valid. No one in my family will even acknowledge my problems saying that I have body dismorphic disorder or that I have delusions about myself. Can any of you give me one good reason for living? The only ones I can think of is my parents money that I wont get untill Im around 35 and my money for college that I wont get to spend untill Im 21, but what is the point of having money if I have no one to enjoy it with? I know I could enjoy it with others like me, but I dont like any of the people in my rsp class because Im not a very talkitive person and its not because Im pretending to be smart like some of my class mates and teachers might think, but because that is just how I am now. I do have some talents in the areas of math. My last math score was a junier in college (which is true in some aspects when it comes to word problems and making equations, but my mental math is low) and my english was 25 points behind and they said it was mostly grammor, but Im still so much different from other people now. It makes me think Im retarded because it is so hard for me to express and retrieve things out of my mind unless I get drunk now. Any suggestions? Is it possible that Ive become mildly retarded or very stupid in just one year? Let me add that my Iq test from when I was a kid said that I would have major problems expressing myself when I get older and Im 16 now.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/10/2002 - 2:55 PM


Hi Jack:

It’s not all bad. There are many positive things to. We all struggle. But in our struggles we will succeed. Your math is extremely high. Use that talent to go to college. The general education will not be easy but it will be rewarding.

I am happy. I’m college senior. I finished my last class the week before Thanksgiving. But most of all I’m proud of the disability. Because it’s has given me my greatest gift of all. Empathy.

A lot of times on these boards people talk about the worst and not the success that were all having.

College was not easy but rewarding.

If you want to talk e-mail me at < [email protected]>.


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/11/2002 - 10:57 PM



I raised a teenager and he also suffered from bouts of depression and adjustment disorders. Jack, welcome to the teenage years. Things will get better they did for my boy. There are a lot of jerks out there but there are a lot of nice people too. Everybody has different things that give them a purpose in life and as you get older those interests will change. Hopefully as humans we will never stop growing.

It sounds like you are contemplating suicide. First of all it is not an option. Secondly alot of teenagers have those feelings. Those feelings will pass most likely. The teen years can be a sucky time but make the best of it for now. Life has many possibilities but we all have limitations. That is what it’s like being human.

As far as you being retarded, I don’t know any 16 year olds who have your insight and ability to express himself. Your life could be really good. People are slowly becoming more sensitive and enlightened when it comes to our needs.

Please feel free to Email me, but before you do that go to your guidance counselor or principal at school and tell them how you feel.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/12/2002 - 2:23 PM


As the others have mentioned above, it’s not easy being a teenager so just hang in there. Also, remember that when you are reading the different postings they are from people that are seeking answers just like you. For every posting you read there are numerous people out there who are LD that are successful in their own right. I think you are a very bright teenager for being able to put into to words your feelings. Try talking with your school counselor or another adult who can help you get on the right path. Hang in there things will get better.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/12/2002 - 9:36 PM



It is really hard sometimes trying to figure out why we werre dealth the hand of cards that we were dealt.

I have similar difficulties as you.

I graduated college with help, support and effort.

I have children who, nor unlike you, have struggled with similar learning styles.

I am writing to you with tears in my eyes because life is NOt easy for people like us.

It IS a challenge to communicate to others when society has labels that they attach to those of us with SO MUCH POTENTIAL.


We percieve that others have it easier than us. I am not certain that this is true.

Every warrior has , ultimately, travel their own pat. So I cannot tell you what to do.

But I will leave you with this….

I am tenacious.
I have learned to never give up.

I am goal-oriented.
I always have something to work toward.

I am a problem solver.
I have nontraditional problem solving skills which count
when time is at a premium
or a unique solution is needed.

I am a motivator.
I know what it takes
to get myself and others up the hill.

I am an effective leader.
I know my limitations
so I delegate tasks and authority
to those who can get the job done.

I printed this out and put it on my refridgerator to remind me that I am NOT retarded and I AM an intelligent, creative ALTERNATIVE thinker.

I still get sad and I still ahve to work really hard to keep my head up sometimes.

It aint easy kiddo, no one said it would be.

You inspire me to continue on my own path to become a teacher who can support, nurture, and create a positive educational environment for youth like you.

You know, those “linear” thinkers out there are not the ones historically that have resolved the bigger problems and fixed the things in the world that need fixing.

It’s us. The slow but TENACIOUS, goal-oriented, problem solving
thinkers like you and me.

Thnak you for motivating ME Jack. Don’t give up. Shoot me an email when you feel like it.


Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/13/2002 - 5:04 AM



The start of your thread has really struck a chord with me and the others who responded. Even a jaded hard-ass like me had to fight back a tear. Don’t become bitter like me. Don’t become dissillusioned quite yet. Life has thrown us a few curve balls but that is not a reason to give up. If you have read my posts you can see I like being a thorn in the side of the ignorant and uncaring. I’ve thought a lot about your and I have some advice. Here it goes. Find something you are passionate about. perhaps a hobby or a cause like the plight of folks like us. Do something everyday to improve your lot in life and the lives of others like you. Your voice should be heard. Don’t be quiet.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/21/2002 - 5:56 AM


Jack I have more than one good reason for you. first don’t be so hard on yourself. If you have questions about the money aspect maybe you should invest in some of the testing and research programs for learning disabilities. I understand your frustration, I am the opposite of you. I have problems with math and excel in areas of english based classes. All colleges will work with you on your disability, they have to it is required by law. Don’t ever feel like your nothing I’m sure there are many of your classmates that are jealous of your math abilities. No one is perfect and no one gets everything. I am in college and going into my 4th semester I have 5 more years to go. Just be strong and don’t give up, just strive to overcome it. I have to face this problem at the age of 28, and it is no easier because of my age. Let me also inform you that most people with a learning disabilities have above average intellegence in other areas.

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