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Voc Rehab

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Could some of you folks tell me what, if anything, Voc Rehab has done for you as a learning disabled adult? Here in Idaho, they sort of acted like I was the first person they had ever seen with a learning disability. The typical client for them is someone with severe physical limitations or a developmentally disabled person(what used to be called “mentally retarded”.) They sent me in for a very limited test and then concluded that I did not have a disability, when, in fact, I have a severe disability. They just did the once-over-lightly testing that would not reveal my disability unless they dug deeper. I told them: “Doesn’t a 34 point difference between my performance IQ and verbal IQ indicate that a learning disability exists? It wasn’t proof for them. I went on to spend my own money and proved that they were wrong.

By the way, does anybody know if those of us with LD can qualify for SSI benefits? I know that it’s a long shot, but I thought I would ask.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/07/2003 - 6:15 AM



I am hearing that state VR sucks in every state and not just for LD clients. Just try to get money from them because they are too screwed up to do anything else.

Expect a lot of BS from VR. I truly believe that VRs are evil.

As far as the differnce in your verbal and performance IQ goes it probably is indicative of LD or Brain Injury.

Social Security will probably turn you down without more medical evidence. You can probably do physical labor of some type but those jobs are few and far between these days.

As much as I hate to say it, before you deal with Social Security hire a lawyer/scumbag that specializes in disability.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/07/2003 - 2:28 PM



Unlike Ball, my state voc rehab department is the least of my problems right now. But after having the experiences from h–l with the local unemployment office, I finally complained to the state agency that has jurisdiction over them. Too soon to report on the effectiveness but I was wondering if you might do something like that where you live.

I know someone with LD who was awarded SSDI recently and if you want, I can ask this person if I could give him/her your email address. This person seemed to be quite knowledgeable about the process.

Ball - After having the same experiences that you did with voc rehab with my local state unemployment office, I understand your feelings of rage and anger. But again, I maintain that getting rid of those folks is not going to solve our problems.

For various reasons, I went to CHADD’s web site, (organization for folks with ADD) and reviewed alot of their material. This organization was started in 1987 by a group of desperate parents and fast forward to now where the CDC has given them grant money for an information center on ADD. This progress has taken place in less than 20 years.

My point is if some parents can do this, why not a bunch of adults with LD? I would like to get involved but I just sense that either folks are too depressed about their own situations, which is quite understandable or they want to just complain and do nothing.

Is there anyone on these boards that would like to think about getting some adult groups going throughout the country? Because of a threatening situation on another board, I am very reluctant to provide my email address. But if enough people respond to my post, I would reconsider.

I’ll be upfront and state that I don’t have any brillant ideas for the moment. But I have wanted to do something for quite awhile. What has stopped me is I sense that no one else seems to share my desperation enough to want to take matters in your own hand and I don’t have the energy to do this all by myself. Please prove me wrong.!


Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 01/08/2003 - 4:17 AM



There was a family in my town that were filthy pigs. They had a zillion cats and dogs running around and shitting and pissing all over their house. This went on for years and soon the neighbors began complaining about the stench. Eventually the property had to be condemned and team from a company specializing is HAZMAT removed the contents of the house but the stench remained. The house had to be demolished.

I have investigated VESID NY State’s VR and I can tell you the corruption of the Roman empire had nothing on VESID.

If I were king of the world I would line them all up infront of a firing squad using flame throwers but since I am not king of the world I can only urege people to complain loudly, organize protests, practice civil disobedience, get used to the sting of pepper spray, ask to see their budget and otherwise make their lives hell.

Vocational Rehabiltation can not be rehabiltated. It is not even a matter of trying to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. It would be more like trying to turn the sows feces into a Hershey bar.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/14/2003 - 5:43 AM


PT and Ball,

Thanks for your input. PT. If you would give my email address to your aquaintance, I would appreciate it.

Ball, you made me chuckle when you mentioned brain injury (not that that’s a funny subject). I did have a concussion when I was 10, long before the days of MRI and CT scans. I really don’t think that I sustained any permanent damage from it for a number of reasons:

1) I did not exhibit any academic or behavioral changes after the accident.

2) I had trouble with spatial relationships, math, and all of that stuff all of my life. ( I wish I could blame it on the accident).

3) Learning disabilities run so strongly in my family. I was one of 8 children. Though I am the only one who has been diagnosed, I am 100% sure that both parents and all 8 of us have some kind of cognitive disability. Of the 14 children born to my siblings and me, 7 have diagnosed learning disorders (and all different ones, interestingly enough).

Ball, Is that a common thread with brain injuries- a wide span between PIQ and
VIQ? I should have told VR that I had a brain injury( I’m kidding).

Til next time,

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/21/2003 - 8:20 PM


Yes!! you can qualify for SSI, if you have a learning disabillity, because this is known as a mental disability. This has probably caused many problems related to employed, school, and maybe relationships too. Get tested somewhere that isn’t real expensive if you can. Take Care

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/23/2003 - 1:23 AM


With TBI PSIQ and VSIQ can vary from pre morbid levels. I know TBI patients who have diminished verbal and performance.

As far as VR is concerned it really doesn’t matter what you tell them. They could screw up a one man parade.

Just find out where your VR counselor lives and take your kids trick or treating there. hehehehehehe!!!

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