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What does this sound like?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Here is a little about me. I know I have an LD but I don’t know what it is called.

I’m great with maps and directions but couldn’t give you a latitude or longitude
I can remember phone numbers really well but I stink at math.
I do well in English but can’t stand technical writing
I feel threatened when my name and the word “Psychological” are used in the same sentence.
I have a hard time staying on task or following through with anything.
I have the head knowledge but can’t take standardized tests.
I remember things that happened over 20 years ago with a clarity but can’t tell you what day it is without looking at my watch.
People see me as “pushy” when all I want to do is to help.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Submitted by Mandi on Fri, 06/20/2008 - 3:53 AM


I call it lazy and looking for an excuse. If you can’t do something, you simply haven’t tried sufficiently. If you have a head full of knowledge than you are as able as anybody with or without an LD. You sound like everyone who gets nervous over a test. maybe you should see someone for anxiety but other than that you sound fine.

I have a number of learning disabilities. I can’t do math either. Because i don’t know how, because right, i was a crappy student. Not cuz i can’t stay on task, but because, well… cutting math class was more interesting than attending. I ace standardized tests. Often even the parts that i can’t actually ace. I once took one and scored soooo high the school wanted to give me a special award. The sad part of it was i had not read a single one of the questions i just randomly filled them out. I don’t even know what my own phone number is. But thas cuz we keep moving….

Maybe, people think you are pushy because hmm…. You seem opinionated like me….. When you think you know what is the best course to take sometimes perhaps laying it on thick??? I really don’t know…. Maybe, you are just a little anti social??? Maybe you have PMS???

I never feel threatened by anything…. I refuse to feel threatened or to allow anyone to threaten me. I am an adult and i am as able as anyone else. Every day i prove that. I have peed all over the experts expertise numerous times and there is no reason to go looking for something wrong with yourself if there isn’t.

I might be wrong on this last comment but, you might try going and having yourself tested if you are really that strong in your belief that you are abnormal. Because, if you actually aren’t lazy and do have a real problem, then maybe there is a way to improve your life. But i don’t think anyone here can diagnose you on this forum, but that is just a guess…. Though there may be an expert about somewhere, i should think they wouldn’t want to diagnose based on a short post like that and would want the full borage of tests.

Submitted by mikethedj on Sat, 06/21/2008 - 10:08 PM


I dread the tests. I hated the tests. I’ve been a lab rat since 1976 and I have never been able to escape it. Exam after exam, shrink after shrink. I’m not really looking for a “diagnosis” per se, but to establish a “common ground” with somebody who has had a similar type of experience. The tests I remember were the MMPI, the WISC and the Wais-R. I had an IEP and it steered me away from things like the SAT/ACT and others like that.

Submitted by Mandi on Sun, 06/22/2008 - 4:11 AM


Oh, i have been through it all for my own reasons elieve you me. I think stories like yours are sadly not as uncommon as they should be.Though the ‘symptoms’ may differ, the aproach of dehumanize and study (study being ‘put through paces’ or test,) In my opinion has become far too common for these ‘experts’ who then make massive fortunes off their ‘research’ while people like us get nothing but denied our basic human nature. I do believe this system is both out of control, no longer useful a giant fad, a DAMAGING process for which a better method and practice can be created to replace the current busted system. I find it is limiting and even demeaning. I for one have had enough of it.

It’s not an issue of what god one prays to it is not an issue of what is wrong with one as an individual… It is a question, of what do you owe yourself and what do you owe to the future children just like you? I think, we deserve to be protected.I think we deserve to be treated like humans as opposed to lab rats. Human beings… broken or normal…. they are not objects like say books, which one studies. The practice of studying humans needs to become somehow more attuned to the fact that it is in point of fact a human being studied. I think too, that it has become a trillion dollar industry to systematically deny our humanity and make us lab rats. I think too that for that reason, we can not count on anyone else to protect us and i feel we are grossly exploited and mistreated. But, if we could all get past those small things that make us different and focus on how we are the same… We can change and dominate this system to protect at the very least our right to be treated like human beings…. I think we owe that to future generations as well. If it doesn’t start with us, who will it start with?

I suppose the ultimate test is this: How much are you willing to take before you say ‘No! I am a person! I refuse to sit under your microscope! If you think you can make me, look around…. I am not alone! So go ahead and try it.’ it really is pass fail. Can we organize ourselves and move past those diferences and change our world for the better or are we exactly what they want to believe we are?

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