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who is responsible for discrimination of ld people

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Whenever you cannot get a job because of your ld, look at other factors: are you ugly; slow or just do not fit the interviewer description of the ideal employee. Then file a complaint with EEOC or Civil rights.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/23/2003 - 1:04 AM


Let’s face it, alot of the times, they’re going to look at looks- it’s just a sad reality of life…and sometimes, also being over weight is another obstacle- I heard of one case where an over weight woman tried to sue- using her weight as a disability- that didn’t work too well…
But the one big problem that we that are learning disabled have is that our disability is invisible- no one can see it- it’s not in your face as other forms of disablility are. Also, there is the sad reality that there is a gross lack of education and accurate, reliable information available to the general public. I feel if there was wide spread information out there to educate the general public- in terms of What LD is and what it isn’t! Hells Bells- 85% percent of the general public thinks that Learning Disabilities are a form of Mental Retardation! Think about it! and look at the battle those with visible disablilities have had to get what rights they enjoy- We are entitled to the same ones! If we want it bad enough, and are willing to make a stand- Let’s get out there and let them see what a battle and struggle we’re having with our disabilities!We’re getting substandard treatment in terms of our rights as disabled people- Show them that we’re a group of CAN DO people! Not just a bunch of whiners bitching about how hard a row we’ve got to hoe because of our disabilities…no matter their nature! Frankly, I’d just as soon do something positive to make things better than go out and bring negative attention to the matter….But, the thing is, no matter what we do, it’s GOT to be LEGAL, got to be PRODUCTIVE and POSITIVE! I’m going to say it here and now, I, personally do not care for Ball’s “Radical Revolutionary” approach….There’s a right, intelligent way to go about the issue, and making good changes for all, and there’s a wrong way- and he’s going about it the wrong way…instead of doing it in a way that endgenders good will towards us with LD, he’d rather see us all have to deal with the bad name his recommended course of action would bring…..
Just a thought on it.

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