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Why does DVR and school system think ADD is made up

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Why does DVR think the ADD is made up or invented ? Because , they believe we don’t need help if they cannot see the disability. Well, it is not made up ! I have lived with this problem all my life, and I feel unless ADD folks start becoming like Holocast survivors, we will get walked on by DVR and school. We need to become vocal…. Call you legislator every week at least once or twice on an isssue that concerns you as an ADD person. If they do not seem responsive, you make it clear you will base a vote on one issue like the NRA does with gun rights. The poiticians will take notice. We should demand reparation mony for the “crimes” done to us by society. Get an attorney and file a class action suit against companies and institution that provided the “tools of repression and persecution”.

The DVR and the school systems won’t think it is made up anymore when it starts to cost em monies.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/19/2002 - 8:38 PM


If a student has ADD, we can qulify them for special services under OHI (other health impaired). I am a special education at the Alt Hs in Juneau AK and work with students w/ ADD/ADHD and also have an 11 year old daughter with ADHD. DVR is working and available to work with any studnet who has an IEP, at least with my expereince. Once the client is out of school and no longer has an IEP, you don’t have the legal document, but you could use the argument, that young adults with ADD (Those still in HS with an IEP) do qulify for DVR so any adult with ADD/ADHD should.

Hope this helps.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/19/2002 - 11:55 PM


I got help too. Per another reply… can keep copies of your IEP and use them as proof, or get a psychologist or Dr. to write a letter. That’s all!

Some people may live in small towns, and people are not up on everything.
Educate people by printing our articles from the web.

I got testing and payments for community college tuition and books from Voc Rehab. I told them how my ADHD had gotten me fired from jobs and that I needed help.

For school you just need some idea of what subjects would help you with a job somehow. It may be different for each person, because our backgrounds and situations are different. No two people are alike.

Call places for help. You need an advocate. Call CHADD, visit their site:
Call the nearest Center for Independent Living
Call the United Way
Get going. The day is young

Ann G.

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