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Can a child be gifted and have ODD?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I just posted my message on the wrong bullentin board. I am trying to find out if there are any parents out there that have child that is gifted but also has ODD? We are just starting to try and help our six year son with his difficulties.
Our pediatrician agrees as do his teachers that he demonstrates alot of gifted qualities. He is very above average in alot of areas, but very below average in other areas. We are currently seeking professional advice and after speaking to the doctor over the phone, we are going to be looking at ODD. He has alot of the symptoms. His social skills are very poor. Any help or knowledge that can be shared would be appreciated.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/08/2002 - 7:31 PM


I work with a student who is GT, LD, and ODD. Just because one condition is present, doesn’t mean another, totally unrelated condition cannot also be present. You have to work with the total child, no matter what, though.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/13/2002 - 10:10 PM


Yes you can have both. But sometimes the gifted children can
be difficult to handle. Not wanting to go to school, argueing all the time,
refuseing to do school work, having fits at homework time and always
unhappy. I would make sure to have him tested for the gifted. My daughter was also difficult to deal with.
After testing and proper placement the foul moods left. She told me once
in Kindergarden. How would you like to sit and watch the same movie
over and over everyday of your life? Thats what school is like for me. I
don’t want to go. I hate it! Have him tested.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/28/2002 - 6:09 PM


The description of your child fits my son. He is seven and the last two years have been a nightmare. I had him tested at the school and hes close enough to gifted but one point shy for gifted classes. so they have him in the resource program and it seems all he does is “busy work” at a first grade level. I am almost certain that he has ODD but how is that diagnosed other than with the behaviour you described. He has calmed down in the resource classes but his Ld is written language and i feel he calmed because he now misses the language arts of the regular classroom.I am bugged because I think that if he is ODD them are we wasting his time in the resource room????
Can any one help me ?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/28/2002 - 8:06 PM


If you can afford to do so (it is about $300 where I live) have him retested privately. They can’t use the same test within a year but there are different IQ tests. I know numerous people whose children tested higher privately than at school. I think there is more of an assembly line mentality at school while private people take the time to relax the child.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/14/2002 - 10:40 PM


I have a son whose IQ is in the superior range and has a diagnosis of ODD. We discovered this last spring after extensive private testing to determine why a seemingly intelligent child wasn’t getting his work done and generally aggrevating his parents and other adults. ODD has nothing to do with a child’s intellectual ability but rather his temperment; the are ways to manage behavior and teach appropriate and acceptable responses. I suppose that an ODD child who is not being challenged could be MORE aggrevating, but it’s not an LD.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/20/2002 - 6:04 PM


Thanks for the reply to gifted ODD kid. We are having him tested this Friday and the following Monday privately.Intial reports from his teachers on a lengthy behavior checklist rule out Add/Adhd but have a common thread of him constantly telling on and worrying about the other children. What is THAT all about?

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