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Have you tried neurotherapy for treatment of ADHD?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My 14 year old son was diagnosed last year as ADHD/predominately inattentive. He also has an LD in writing expression and couldn’t seem to do simple math even though I heard from teachers he has a math mind! We were concerned he was going to fail the 8th grade, but he was able to barely pass on into high school. He refused to consider taking Ritilan. About that time I found a psychologist advertising a treatment for ADHD without medication. Over the summer he was treated with 30 sessions of brain wave training, or neurotherapy. It has changed his life in so many ways that I feel obligated to post this message as an alternative to drugs for this condition. His self esteem has improved, his sleep habits have changed 100%, his ability to effectively communicate has improved. He is now able to set goals and is motivated to achieve them. He is dissappointed that he will make all B’s this first 9 weeks in high school because he thought he was going to pull straight A’s. He tells me he now realizes that he has lived all of his life coming up to mountains that were too hard to climb so most of the time he didn’t even try…and now, not only can he climb the mountain but he’s been on top, and he is no longer afraid to start climbing. If you are struggling with this issue check out this website… This stuff is amazing! I have heard that a lot of doctor’s who prescribe drugs for treatment think the biofeedback is bogus and doesn’t work. I am here to tell you, it does work and it helps the patient learn to cope with the world around them without taking drugs to do so. He still has ADD moments but he now knows how to bring himself back into focus at his own will. Even if his academics didn’t improve, the progress he has made emotionally has been unbelievable. And the academics are right in line with where I have been told for years that he should be.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


Thank you for your encouraging words about EEG Biofeedback. I am in the process of getting my daughter started on this treatment. This past year, I had to fight with my insurance carrier to cover it, up to the point of greivance and they still declined. However, my new insurance for 2001, will cover it under mental health. I still don’t know what percentage they cover; and that will be an issue, with my husband out of work. I am so looking forward to starting her on the sessions, she is 11 years old and behind about 4 years academically, and 4 years socially. Have a Happy Holiday Season. Paula

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


PASSWORD>aazUL4WRip/vsJust wondering–had your son had problems for a long time? My son is in 8th grade, but several YEARS behind in some academic areas. I’m concerned that neurotherapy might help ADHD, but NOT learning disabilities. We’re looking into it, anyway. Any idea how much it will cost???

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