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How do I talk to girls at the beach with NLD?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi I’m new to this forum, I’m 20 and I have been diagnosed with NLD.

I’ve never had a girlfriend and always had very few friends throughout my life, I want to be social but the only time I’ve succeeded in getting dates (I’ve only been on two) was meeting and talking to girls at organized events, groups, something that gave us something to talk about, I have been putting in the effort to learn and understand all the non-verbal cues.

But now I live in a small seaside town and girls are always on the beach, but the problem is that I can never think of anything to say to them, there is nothing to talk about on the beach, what do I say to them? How do I get them to go on dates with me?

Submitted by DyslexiaStudyNY on Sun, 12/01/2013 - 6:10 AM


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[Modified by: DyslexiaStudyNY on December 02, 2013 06:37 PM]

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