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lack of eye contact in the first few months

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Does anyone have a autistic or SID child, that avoided eye contact when being held in the first few months of their lives?anything else that wwere early signs in the first 5 months..start babbling and lose that skill? I am concerned about my young son, and looking for any information that might be helpful.thanks.

Submitted by victoria on Sun, 02/26/2006 - 8:57 PM


No, but my daughter — who is definitely NOT autistic — resisted holding; literally from birth she could not stand to have her motion restricted or her eyes covered. Her eye contact is also very quick, look and away.
Various kids have various profiles.
Yes, do pay attention to your child’s development. But also try not to panic as many things smooth out over time.

Submitted by Joan on Fri, 05/12/2006 - 1:46 AM


My son showed many signs of being different from birth but I was told - “every child is different, develops differently and has a different personality.”

By age three, finally a doctor said, hmmm I think we need to test Ben - there could be a problems.

Yeah. The problem was autisum.

So that you can rest at night, I recommend that you do some research yourself. You can take the on-line course or buy a dvd from the Family Hope Center.

You can have your child evaluated by a ND:

The things is, it doesn’t have to be autisum to be a sensory issue. There are different degrees of symptons. If you child does have an issue, then you can correct it really easily at that age.

Yes. My kid showed some of those signs at that age. My neighbor had a kid who could not be hugged. To this day, he cannot be touched unless it is on his terms. He also use to get badly hurt and not feel it, go out in freezing weather with a t-shirt on, and never know when to stop. He’s five and still has these issues. Parents never took my advise and never looked into getting help. Poor kid. I’m sure that when the kid goes to school, the school will demand testing. The child certainly has sensory disfunction.


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