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Re: what is this.... desperate mom in serch of ans

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Several years ago, I realized that my daughter, 9, was having increasingly more frustrations at school around writing, organizational skills, etc. Spoke with the school who did some “screening” tests, which showed nothing. My gut told me otherwise, and had her assessed privately by an educational psychologist, who found out she was gifted/LD with dysgraphia. Really helped us understand her needs, and worked with the school to make simple modifications in the classroom to support her learning style. However, still felt there was something missing in the assessment…..Went to see another ed. psych. who agreed that Occupational Therapy assessment would also be indicated. The result showed that she also had signs of Sensory Integration Disorder, which results in her missing environmental cues (touch, balance, etc.) and makes her feel insecure at times within different environments. Also found out that she had finger joint problems, which also resulted in problems holding pens/pencils for long times. Needless to say, I had to continue to seek outside professional assessments to get the full picture of my childs learning strengths/weaknesses. Consider Occupational Therapy assessment as well. Best of luck! Your child is lucky to have you as his mom!

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