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social skills in the iep

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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 08/31/2001 - 8:53 PM


I am currently teaching a social skills class to new high school members of the nineth grade. I am having trouble finding lesson plans and activities to do with my students. It is a self-contained special education class. There are five boys and one girl in the group. The class is made up of one introverted learning disabled boy, and five other extroverts that are BD too. Could you please help me come up with ways to help these kids socially. Ms Teresa Lee

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/11/2001 - 3:45 AM


If you are not trained in this very special area of Social Skills and BD classrooms
why does your school have you there? No offense just wondering. Most schools ,especially high schools, want someone with the skills and training in this area. It is for your protection and the students well-being that a qualified person is with them. I applaud your willingness to seek help. First think of what first comes to your mind when you think “social skills” take that first impression and make up a lesson or activity around it taking into consideration that at first the students will only be comfortable working alone or in limited interactive groups.

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