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Changes to the Message Boards

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

We’re sorry we had to switch to a new bulletin board system, but the old system was giving us alot of problems.

If you have a suggestion on how we can make these boards more usable for everyone, please let us know. If you think a font is too small, or a different color might work better, tell us and we’ll see what we can do.

LD OnLine

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/21/2001 - 3:27 PM


As long as you’re making so many changes, could you fix one thing that’s been bugging me forever? Could you correctly spell “announcements” on the list of topics on the opening page of the bulletin boards section?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 03/25/2001 - 10:35 PM


Is there any way you can restore the ability to provide a direct link to another Web site in one’s post? On the old BB, we could do that; on this one, we can’t.

Yours truly,
Kathy G.

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