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Jonathan Mooney-Author, Public Speaker on Dyslexia and ADHD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

[b] Parents Education Network (PEN) is bringing Jonathan Mooney to the Bay Area for a series of presentations geared towards kids, parents and educators.

As a young man, Jonathan was labeled “severely learning disabled.” Most recently, he journied across America to find others who have used humor, imagination, and resiliency to create satisfying lives beyond “normal.”

When his teachers decided Jonathan Mooney needed special ed because he couldn’t follow directions, sit still, or read well, he feared he’d lost his chance to be a regular kid. Suddenly he was “not normal.” Suddenly he was a short-bus rider destined to travel a harder road, a distinction that screamed out his “difference” to a hostile world. Along with other kids facing similar challenges, he was denigrated daily. He almost lost hope. Yet ultimately, Jon shocked the skeptics, graduating from Brown University (with honors). But he could never shake the voice that insisted he would always be “less than.”

Please join us for one of his presentations From September 26-October 2. More details at

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