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United Kingdom Special Needs tutors

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Where do I find out about special needs private tutors for my child out of school hours?

Submitted by victoria on Wed, 03/02/2005 - 3:18 AM


You have to search.

A few schools will refer you, but many are extremely territorial and get quite miffed at the thought that anyone else can teach children.

Try local town and area internet sites, local weekly newspapers, physical bulletin boards in local markets, college bulletin boards, the occasional college department of education (but be super careful the person actually knows effective reading methods and not whatever fad is in this year!). Do a computer search for tutor and see what comes up — there are some online referral services although I haven;t had much luck with them but you never know.

Buyer Beware!! You must check the references of any tutor, and check theat their methods are research-based and up to date.

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