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Advocate Referral

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am in search of an advocate to help us. Our son is diagnosed ADHD: Combined type, ODD and Visual Spatial Deficit. He is supposed to be entering 2nd grade, but we requested retention based on current grade level equivalence as well as social and emotional development concerns. We had a letter from his therapist supporting this request as well as a Neuropsych report, but they are refusing us. They are offering a 504 plan, but say he is not eligible for an IEP. I requested referral to Special Education and they are trying to plan the meeting.

If you know of an advocate in Maryland, please let me know. We are in the middle of Baltimore and DC.

Thank you!

Submitted by geodob2 on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 6:44 AM


Here’s a link to ‘yellowpagesforkids’and the Maryland page:

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