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Book Suggestions

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


Does anyone have any great books that they have found really useful for IEP struggles?

I refer alot to The Complete IEP Guide. I can’t reccomend it enough. I even take it along to my IEP meetings. Its amazing the difference it makes and how placement options suddenly become available.

I haven’t read the Wrightslaw books yet. Does anyone have them?

Submitted by scifinut on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 9:40 PM


There are a couple books that have been complete lifesavers for me:

From Emotions To Advocacy by Pete and Pam Wright

Writing Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives by Barbara D. Bateman and Cynthia M. Herr

Submitted by mom4boys on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 7:57 PM


Thank You. I will try to locate these books.
Does the Writing Measurable IEP Goals cover goals for all areas speech, reading, writing and math?
IS the Emotions to Advocay book about IDEA and more of the legal side to IEP’s and Special Ed?

Submitted by scifinut on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:17 PM


From Emotions to Advocacy is more about how to work with the schools, develop good relationships, how to write letters, keep documentation, and understanding tests and measurements. Its a very thorough book which you will find very helpful. (I have The Complete IEP Guide, which is also helpful, but in a different way.) is where you can find the above book. They have tons of great information and other books, as well.

Barbara Bateman’s book is not specific in that it won’t write the goals and objectives for you but it guides you on what it means to have measurable information and how to track progress. It teaches what sort of things can be measured, how they can be measured and how IEP’s should be worded. Again, very thorough information.
[Modified by: scifinut (scifinut) on July 25, 2006 06:19 PM]

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