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CAPD and IEP goals

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

[color=blue]Hi! I am wondering what to do . I get goals for my kid that come from a computer program that has all ofthe core curriculum standards for the state of NJ. My daughter’s individual concerns are matched up to these goals and that is all they put into the IEP. Since every child in the state( with some exceptions) has to meet these goals, I don’t see how this is in any way “individualized”. I want goals for things she needs to work on, like poor spelling that accompanes her CAPD. I want some sort of progress report on a regular basis besides a set of boxes with check marks that give the option of : introduced, progresing, mastered. That seems too vague. I have been asking for measurable IEP goals for three years. Every book I have read says I should be able to get this. Has anyone out there won this battle? If so, did it take an advocate or attorney? How did it turn out? [color=blue][/color][/color]

Submitted by Kathryn on Mon, 06/04/2007 - 5:24 PM


If you go to this link or just google “SMART IEP” you will find information on this. Basically, the “M” in SMART stands for measurable.

I have also read this weekend about something called a DRAFT IEP. Google that or go to the same website, If you google it, there should be a hit from that site. It might be easier to find. Basically, you should approve the IEP and be able to make changes to it prior to the IEP meeting. I believe that is part of the IDEA 2004, but check it out and insist on being part of the process. If you can set some goals that you would like that would be a good start. Also, I have read a lot about goal setting and there are 3 different types of goals from general to specific. Like for your daughter a general goal would be to improve her auditory processing skills. A more specific would be to improve a specific part of her auditory processing, like if it’s auditory memory, or auditory discrimination, etc… and the most specific goal would be to be able to do something in particular in relation to that skill, like to remember a set of oral instructions if memory is an issue.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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