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confussed parent

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I’m new here and had a few questions. Hope you guys can help me out.
My 3rd grader was just diagnosed as ADHD. After filling out some preliminary paperwork for a IEP I received a call from the school’s guidance councilor to set up a meeting. We did set up a meeting but we never spoke. It was all do through voice mail, so I never got to ask any questions.
Now please bare with me here but I’m not sure what I need to prepare for this meeting. My son has not been tested/interviewed/observed by anyone at the school. All they have seen is the doctors report.
Is this more of an information meeting for us on the process? I’m just not sure.
Any insight would be very much appreciated.

Submitted by dhfl143 on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 7:28 PM


Welcome to LDOnline’s community forum. What questions did you want to ask?

These three PDF may be useful:

Best wishes.

Submitted by dhfl143 on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 7:38 PM


In addition, the main LDOnline web site has two topic centers that are specific to ADHD and IEPs. Here is a link to each respective topic center:

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